I understand the dark side has cookies, as well as all the cool force powers like force choke and lightening. Plus they have James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. I mean how cool is that? The force isn’t the only thing with a dark side … well darker side. To say dark side would assume that there is some evil to it. It isn’t evil per se, just less than enjoyable for anyone in their right mind.
What is this “darker side” you ask? Church politics.
This week I will be involved in way too much on the political front. We have our sectional meeting tomorrow. My denomination is based on a structure where each congregation is mostly autonomous. They vote for their pastors and the church organizational structure. The only requirement is that they agree with the beliefs held by the denomination and a few structural guidelines that seek to guard those beliefs. Within this system the national structure is broken down into districts and the districts are further broken down into sections.
Our section is one of the largest by area, though many of the churches are smaller and spread out quite a bit. This comes from being in a rural section. For this reason they proposed that we setup a new section that basically split our section into east and west halves. We did this on a trial basis for the past several months and for the first time since I became licensed within this denomination I felt like a part of something bigger than our little community.
Tomorrow will be the first time I have attended a sectional meeting with the larger section in 2 years. The church we are going to is further than the farthest church in the smaller temporary section and it is about halfway to the farthest church in the larger section. This is why we haven’t done much within the larger section, it is just too far to make it feasible, but in the past 6 months the smaller section has had 6 meetings, and I attended 5 of them. I would have been at 6 but I was very ill for one.
I feel worried about the political games that go on in the Church. I know it isn’t just my denomination or church. I know why a lot of churches refuse to be a part of a denomination, but even in those churches there is a lot of political posturing.
I pray tomorrow will not be full of these things. I pray that we can keep in smaller sections. I don’t have a problem with the people and churches in the bigger section, I just have an issue with the distance.
I also pray for this coming Sunday when we have our annual business meeting. I pray that it is an exercise in community and grace, not a bunch of self serving posturing.
Have you had to deal with Church politics? How does it make you feel? What is the solution?
Praying for you, Nick. Politics is what sent me tearfully away from our last church. I’m pretty sure God was crying with me, and I find it hard to accept that divisiveness does anything for His glory. Well, except teaching us grace and forgiveness. I guess there is a larger purpose.
Thanks, I think a lot of people are hurt in churches when they are caught between two sides of a political battle. It makes me angry because Christians start thinking other Christians are the enemy … I bet satan does a happy dance when we do his job.
Oh ouch, I wish church politics didn’t exist. Honestly it could be satan’s favorite tool.
It causes division in the as a whole church, staff to not work together, and volunteers to back off and become less involved when they start to see inner-workings (because we all want to believe the church office is something like the North-Pole Toy Shop and not like a real office, with real problems).
I’m thankful to belong to a church that is non-denominational…although we still have our issues. Prayers in order for your next meeting.
I have considered trying to do it on my own, but to be honest I think we are better for the denomination. I’m pretty happy with the outcome of today even if it was absurdly boring. I have a better idea of the future even if they didn’t say much, what they did say has me feeling hopeful.
I think that some church politics depend on whether a church is staff or laity driven. It’s less of an issue when a church relies on staff for the work of the church. My feeling in laity driven churches, the reason churches are structured that way is to provide leadership opportunities as well as mission and ministry. It’s up to staff to help develope leaders, and by that I mean, to resource, provide opportunities to learn how to lead, and BE a leader. I think when things seem political and out of control, is when the background prep and resourcing hasn’t been done, or done correctly. And, is it prayerful and intentional? Some leaders are just natural at keeping folks circled and focused on the work at hand. If that’s something you desire or is the bug tugging at your heart, you have to make yourself smart how to do that.
My experience working in churches has been as a non member. I Worship elsewhere. When all else fails, to be able to say, “it’s not my church,” somehow helps. That doesn’t mean I’m not fiercly loyal to the work I am called, it just makes it easier to bear humanity.
I feel that a Biblical church is staff trained laity ministry. I’d love to see a church that actually fulfilled this model.
Church politics? Sure, all the time. It makes me feel like I’m on the phone with verizon or comcast trying to get something straightened out. Nothing really gets worked out, I’m frustrated, the other person is frustrated and we walk away holding grudges.
I think the solution is having self control. Letting go of having to have things my way.
I think that is a great illustration and a great point. Thanks
Yeah, where you have humans you have politics. We all need more of Jesus.
Blessings for your meeting.
Thanks, it went really well even if it was boring. Of course boring is usually an indication of smooth sailing in the political arena
I’m not a fan of Church politics, or politics in general. I’m not sure I have a solution. I try to “play nice” and encourage naysayers to do the same. I don’t know what more I can do.
I love the fact that you require an intelligence test to leave a comment now. How very discerning of you. I just hope I make the cut.
Looks like you made the grade. I didn’t realize that I was telling people, “you must be this smart to comment” but I have to admit, if you can’t work out these simple puzzles then I might not want to read the comment … not that you’d ever have a problem.
Have you heard of this joke?
You know what the greek meaning for Politic is right?
Poly = many and Tic = blood sucking creature
Yep, I’ve heard that one. Seems about right, but more so in the secular realm.
Been there, done that, and slugged it out with people my grandparents’ age as a barely-twentysomething over the selection of a new pastor that left me scarred to the point that almost a decade later I refuse to darken the doors of their church. Just reinforces the point that churches are full of people, and people tend to act like people when they get a chance.
As for the specifics of our Fellowship (Being reared in the same church type as you obviously work at, I’ve been ingrained with the fact that we’re not a denomination from a young age. ;^)), it’s interesting that the churches in your area haven’t just decided to take it to district council and move to create a new section. We had a gaggle of churches do that here in Louisiana a couple of years ago for the exact same reasons.
Based on your response I feel as if you are in the AoG. fellowship, disctrict council, section … Anyways, I think that the section is being redone, but they are doing it slowly instead of all at once. I hate slow. I’m way too impatient.