Bought the pupper saddle bags so he can help carry his own water and snacks when we go on walks. He is so proud that he doesn't want me to take it off him. When I do he keeps trying to get me to put … View Gallery

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
Bought the pupper saddle bags so he can help carry his own water and snacks when we go on walks. He is so proud that he doesn't want me to take it off him. When I do he keeps trying to get me to put … View Gallery
Folks, I have to warn you, my geek cred is in serious jeopardy. I just saw Infinity War and it's been out for over 3 weeks. I really wanted to watch it before, but I'm working hard to get the girls' room finished so they can move in and between that, church business meeting, dev work, additional client projects, and end of the year concerts for my kids, I've been unable to see it till now. Sadly, there are people out there who just want to ruin the movie. My oldest now has friends who are working ago and one works at the theater. She told me that her friend said people were leaving the … [Read more...]
I keep circling back around on this issue. So many people are so angry and it is making my social media feel like a morass of hatred. It is funny, because as I've grown I've found myself further and further away from the hard right on so many issues. I don't know if this is because I've changed that much, or if the "right" has changed that much. Once upon the time the Republican party was a minority party. That is, they fought for minority rights and also had a minority in the political arena. It is well known that the first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln. He fought a war to free … [Read more...]
Getting some more headway in the remodel. We've got a ceiling and have the walls painted. It looks nice and sharp if I do say so myself. Props to my wife for picking the color. … View Gallery
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Beloved Church, As a minister of the Gospel I feel compelled to write a love letter to you, the Bride of Christ. I am also a part of the Church so I take these words to heart. Know that you are loved. Christ paid so much to have you set free. I can't even begin to comprehend the price that was paid for you and now you are free. You don't have to be a slave to sin and death any longer. Christ waits for you because you are his chosen bride. That is powerful and amazing. I wanted you to hear this just in case you have forgotten who you are to Him and what He has done for you. You are loved with … [Read more...]
It's been raining quite a bit but this am was really nice after I dropped the kids off so I went for a walk. When I crossed the bridge over the river at 619 I saw a log floating down the river I so … View Gallery
This album contains 4 items
Had to go to the dentist today. Decided to have a treat at the Japanese restaurant next door. … View Gallery
Link is not allowed on the furniture with his bone or treats. Momma is away so while I'm doing my workout he hops on in the sofa with his bone and takes a nap. Naughty puppy. … View Gallery
Got a cute picture with Link. He's gotten so big but is such a baby puppy in some ways. He likes to suck on blankets like a binky. It's tough getting a picture of him unless he is sleeping … View Gallery