I am afraid that I might be suffering from Post Traumatic Church Experience Syndrome, PTCES, as well as a great many people I know. PTCES sufferers might notice the following symptoms:
- Irritability, especially Sunday or Monday morning.
- Fear of new friends, old friends, strangers, answering the phone …
- Overeating
- Under eating
- Depression
- Anger
- Bitterness
- Backsliding
PTCES can be caused by many different circumstances but once set in it is not easily remedied. Years of counseling may yield little to no results and “going it own your own” rarely ever works.
Fortunately a new breakthrough in spiritual care science has allowed for a cure. If you or a loved one suffers from PTCES talk to God about Forgiveness.
Forgiveness allows for healing of PTCES injuries. When using Forgiveness you will need to apply liberally to yourself and all who caused PTCES. Allowing God to apply Forgiveness during initial consultations is key to the healing process.
PTCES is a serious disease of the body, mind, and spirit. Start healing today.
(Fine print) Forgiveness is right for everyone. While using Forgiveness you might experience the following side-effects:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control
Excellent! Additional bonus – the author of forgiveness will not only help you in the process (and a process it is) but if you ask, he'll even provide the desire to begin treatment, if you don't want to, but you know you should.
That was a really good post. I could sense the sense of humor, but it was pleasant. I think I struggle with this, and have been for a while. There's nothing quite like working at a church to burn you out of church. So, I took some time off… maybe a month or two. And a funny thing happened… I wanted back in. A different capacity, sure, but I wanted to go back. Funny how that works out. Anyway, now I work with the 2-3 year olds and they're cute and teaching me sooo much! Thanks for this commercial for this wonder drug!
Now this is a drug that I would welcome an addiction to. Great post!
As a recent sufferer of PTCES, I can fully endorse the treatment you endorse here. Nothing else works…trust me, I've tried it.
God is good about giving us the desires in our heart if we are open to Him. Then he seeks to fulfil those very desires He gave us. Like a catch-22 only positive.
Yeah I wrote this in response to the number of people I've seen offended by church people. We are supposed to be offensive but not in that way. I'm glad you are in a good place now.
I'm addicted to in in the same way I'm addicted to air … possibly worse than my air addiction because it is eternal.
How is the healing coming along? It is the suck to be collateral damage in a church split.
Forgiveness…Not something that comes naturally to me. But with God, all things are possible..
It is both hard to forgive and be forgiven. I don't do either well/correctly. When I forgive I feel like the other person owes me for that special grace and when I am forgiven I feel I owe something for it.
I agree with Helen. I tend to be stingy with my forgiveness. I'm definitely a 'work in progress!' Great post!
"Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." (gospel of Mark Twain) But you might want to try a NetiPot, too. Good stuff, Nick. Keep breathing that air.
The hardest thing, I think, is forgiving yourself. "How could I trust them, I'm so stupid." That sort of thing so really hard to get through.
what no "preach it" Thanks though.
That's a great quote, he has some amazing things that he said. On a side note I can breath just fine without drowning.