Camp was this week and everyone survived. We had a great time. I’ll try to write on this when I get some sleep. For now, we could use prayer about the camp finances.
Finally, we have been looking for a long time, trying to find the vehicle that gives us everything we want for the price we want to pay. Looks like we found it after months. Have to drive 2 hours then finish negotiations, then another 2 hours back. I wish it were closer, but the local places didn’t seem interested in helping us get a new to us car. I’ll be posting pics once we own it, well own most of it, the bank will have the title for a while.
We have been without counters or a sink since Sunday after church. The counters were supposed to be installed on Monday, but there was a pretty big mix-up, so they didn’t get installed till Tuesday, then we had to wait 24 hours to install the plumbing. I have completed most of it, but the drains don’t match with the old sink, so I’m off to the store, hopefully for the last time on this project, to get supplies to get’er done.
I really hate remodeling.
One might think that knowing someone only through the internet would lessen the pain of their passing. Having just learned one of my virtual friends is no longer present in this life I can now say that I feel the pain of that loss. She has been a great encourager to me and I can’t begin to express my grief. Still I know that soon I will meet her for the first time in person, and we will rejoice with the King.
@Pagan43, I miss you and look to see you then.
I had a good conversation with @sarahmsalter. I’m feeling much better. Still frustrated, but I know God is my defender so I don’t need to defend myself.