I still want Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior, and to follow Him with every fiber of my being. I just don’t want to be known as a Christian. I feel dirty and tainted right now because of how I’ve seen Christians act lately. They aren’t acting like Christians are suppose to act, but they won’t put away their title as Christian so it is time to come up with a new name for someone that asks Jesus to be their Lord and Savior and follows Him with every fiber of their being. People that want to scream and yell and seek justice because a bunch of so called Christians physically threatened people they love and verbally assaulted them, but instead read Matthew 5:9 and try to be the peacemaker. People that try to reach out to the same people Jesus would reach out to. People that want to be all that Christ called them to be.
So now I just need a name. Here is my list of options.
Follower of the Way
I hear that this was the original name Christians went by. I’m not sure if this is true or not but it is also the name of a group that may or may not be a cult. Of course if a whole bunch of people start living the life Jesus called us to then all the “Christians” are bound to call us a cult too so it might be a viable name.
People formerly known as Christians
That’s not the real name, I’m thinking we pull a Prince and get a nice symbol instead of a name, but it needs to be completely unpronounceable yet simple enough that we can throw it down with our fingers like gang signs. This works really well because people on the outside will have a hard time complaining when they can’t use a name. At first I was thinking the Chi Rho, which is an awesome ancient symbol of Christianity that looks like an X and P overlapping. It is the first two letter of Christ in Greek. The problem is that Chi Rho is pronounceable so the Christians that aren’t Christians will be able to complain about those rotten Chi Rhoers, but they probably have bad accents and so it will sound like they are saying something about stinking Churros, which won’t make any sense. Also, I do like Churros so I’d hate for people to go around besmirching them when they are complaining about me.
Not Bitter and Hateful People that Claim to be Christians
Wow that is a mouthful, but it does cover the bases, still I wonder if the name might be a bit ironic in that it is founded on not being hateful and yet it is hateful, so … maybe not.
Christ’s Ambassador
All joking aside I really think this is a great name. Back in the day the youth of the Assembly of God were called Christ’s Ambassadors. The youth pastor was a CAP and the district youth director (DYD) was the DCAP. That was all before my time, but the idea is cool. Anyone think it will catch on? They ditched it in the AoG because it was uncool.
So these are 4 of my ideas? Who is with me? Anyone else sick of being lumped in with people that give Christians a bad name? What ideas do you have?
Jesus Freak
Wow, great big thanks to Marni for this one. It is so good I had to go and put it in the original post as if I thought it up all by myself. I can’t believe I forgot this one. Of course the major drawback is that everyone would either have to be part of a great band that could pull off the Christian rap to rock transition or stand on a box in the middle of the city with a tat on the their belly that wiggles around like marmalade jelly. I’m willing to make the sacrifice for complete frigintasticalness though.
Sorry Nick. First of all, I am sorry that you were hurt by some of my brothers and sisters. Sometimes they hurt us worse than anyone, because we expect better from them.I am also sorry that I can't endorse any of your other names. You know what will happen. The "others" will only start using the name themselves once it catches on, and you'll have to start all over again.I hope your relationship with these people will be healed by Jesus. God be with you.
Helen,That my plan though. Everyone on the Christian bus jumps over the the new cool name after they have realized that it is so cool and all their complaining won't stop it, then I can go back to being a Christian. Tada.
Whatever name you decide on, sign me up too because I'm right there with ya. That's why on my Facebook "religious preference" I list it as Jesus Freak. I tend to say that on all standardized forms I fill out that ask my religion. Also? I don't tell people I'm a Baptist (except you guys since you aren't Judgy McJudgements) because of the same negative connotations. Sad…
Couldn't have said it better myself. Whatever name you decide on, just continue to love Christ and live Christ, and what you call yourself won't matter a bit. Maybe we should change the name of the so-called Christians who are giving us a bad name in the first place. Wouldn't that be easier? Great post…thanks for writing it!
I've been through some seriously majorly horrendous hurts at the hands of people who call themselves Christians. I've come to realize a couple of things…First, not all people who call themselves Christians actually ARE Christians. Some of them don't have any idea of what Christianity really is; they just have some warped concept of morality, liturgy, or tradition. If they really aren't Christians, you can't expect them to act like Christ.Second, Christ created the church. And as sick as it is, we can't really abandon it. It's His Body. So, instead of abandoning it, it's our charge to nurse it back to health. And if you look really carefully at the people around you, you'll notice that there's a lot of people willing and able to help you do that.Be encouraged Nick! We're in this together! And when we get to Heaven, there won't be any posers.
Marni,I already responded 2u in the blog post proper so … thanks?Angela,I tried calling them losers but that just seems to make it worse. They are pretty committed to the idea that they are Christians and refuse to give up the name.Sarah,Honestly my anger and wish to change what I am called has nothing to do with abandoning the church or not working to fix it, but rather to find a way to explain the difference between me and these unChristians to people that don't understand why "Christians" can be so mean.I know Christ has no abandoned His bride but I also know what Jesus had to say about the time just before His return and about final judgment … I don't want to be in that place so I work at achieving His call.
Agree! I've been dreaming of a new name for myself for a long time. I don't like all the 'boxes/labels' that come with being called a Christian. The symbol idea is kinda cool – like Prince 🙂
I'm sorry, Nick. It's bad enough to be part of the Body and be treated badly.It's not until you get into leadership that you really grasp how really horrible and un-Jesus-like people can be.It sucks, and I'm so sorry. Praying.
Maybe the bigger problem is needing to title ourselves according to denominational or religious ideas. It's not being a Christian that's the problem, it's being religious about it–and inflicting our legalistic ideas on others.Maybe we should stop being "religious" altogether. If someone wants to know who we are, can't we just say we aren't religious? We do know and follow Christ, but that doesn't need to make us religious.
…they were first called Christians at Antiioch… notice that lost people named Christians based on the Christ like behavior they saw lived out… a far cry from where we are today wouldn't you say 🙂 I don't think it matters what we call ourselves, we just need to focus on living for HIM and pointing the glory His way… I agree with your post though, I am sick of all the people out there that masquerade as Christians…
I'm really liking Follower of the Way. Weren't Christians known as something along those lines before they were known as Christians?
i think we should use Jesus Freak, it fits us so well. i mean God doesn't use the straight lace "Christians" he uses those who he knows he can call on at 2 in the morning to go down to the 7-11 and talk to the guy on the corner and they will be there. i am sick of telling someone i am a Christian and them saying "so your going to push your religion down my throat?" all i want to do is know Jesus is my savior and tell everyone else what he has done for me and them. and that he loves them and that he died for their sins. so i think we should rename "Christians" to JESUS FREAKS.
thesnoopy7,Right now I'm preaching "the Freak Show" in my Youth group. We are owning what they put on us and I'm trying to show them what we are really called to.
Dearly beloved, you observation is right. We are living in a world were the church is becoming worldly and the world becoming “churchly” that we do not know the difference. However as Christ Ambassadors we will stand out and show them what it means to be a Christian. Even if every ‘christian’ is not living right, as Christ Ambassadors we must represent Jesus right.
I think there’s another angle to this. Its not that non-xns just dont get that the ‘real christians’ are all lovey dovey, edgy, and non-judgemental. Its that even if you are non-judgemental, and love everyone equally as Christ loved us, hardened hearts don’t want any of it. Be as Christ[real]Like as you want, that wont draw ppl to him like we, in Christian circles, tend to think. We think – oh, if only he/she knew that God was this or that, then they’d realize its what he/she wants/needs. But thats not true. There is no magic formula. Even Christ himself walking on earth wasn’t accepted or loved by everyone.
I agree, I don’t think my reaction is related to wanting to be accepted, I think we won’t be accepted, moreover we’ll even be hated. I just hate being associated with people who are real jerks. I try to live right, I fail miserably at time, but when people destroy young men and women in the “name of Christ” I’m ready to sign on with putting a mill stone around that person’s neck and tossing them into the sea … you know to help them out since that would be better than what God is going to do. I’m a real helper like that. I have to take a breath and pray for them though, if I’m going to try and live grace I have to try and live grace with everyone.
It states in the Bible that “the world will hate you because of me” if we are doing our jobs like true Christians, than we should be getting a lot of crap from the world, if not than we are doing something wrong. Each week, a team of us will go out to the poorer sections of town usually, you know, where all the ‘bad people’ are and pray for the poor, sick, addicted, homeless what have you and bless them with the word, money, we lay hands on the sick and they recover (signs and miracles shall follow). We document these miracles and post them so other, like minded Christians can see and be encouraged to do the same. “The harvest is great but the workers are few” saith the Lord.
We do these things because it’s what we are commanded to do. “If you believe in me, than you shall do my works and greater for I go to the Father” I pray that the Father will enlighten you with the truth and soften your hearts to love one another.
I just stumbled across this post as I was catching up on your blog and it got my attention… After 53 years of being very antagonistic towards organized religon in general and Christianity specifically, I recently decided to be baptised and join the church of the Latter Day Saints. My baptism is this Saturday, so lately I’ve been a little more interested in discussions of religon and Christianity… I wonder why members of the LDS church are always labeled as Mormon and never as Christian.Why is there such antagonism between other Christian churches and LDS? I have to say that I’m relieved that I’m not going to be lumped in with all of the crazies that call themselves christian.
I love the name “Jesus Freak” for some odd reason…I always call myself a ‘Gay Christian’ since I am gay and a Christian. So if I add “Jesus Freak” with it, I’ll be a Gay Christian-Jesus Freak! I might as well shoot myself in the head, eh? LOL
All kidding aside, as Christians, we should always remind ourselves that we are diverse bunch. We agree on a number of issues, and we disagree on some issues. We throw insults at each other, bully each other (I found out about your website via thechurchofnopeople.com’s article on Why Christians are Pro-Bullying), hurt each other, etc. But we are a family – a dysfunctional one to say the least. Let’s not give up on each other by trying on different names or leaving the family all together. With time and with God’s grace, we’ll come around. We always preach that nothing is impossible with God, right? Let’s put that into practice. 🙂
Nick, why do you need a name to represent your beliefs?, there should be no them, or us, we are all made of the same stuff. just follow your heart and do not worry what others are doing or think, that is their life, not yours.
I actually strongly disagree with this. We are not separate. We are one church … one body. So much of the New Testament makes it clear that when one of us screw up it is our responsibility to address the issue. It must be done in love with the heart of restoration. I should write a follow up to this post. It took me a VERY long time to calm down from this but I have been able to talk with some of the people involved and deal with this issue with them and grown closer to them. I couldn’t have done that right away because I would have been responding in my anger over their deeds but I was eventually able to confront them in love.
My friend, by saying you don’t want to be a Christian anymore, you are on the first step of the road to freedom. Now, you need to learn and study. Find out why people who left Christianity left it…and no it is not that some Christian hurt them. It is because once they started to search and study and finally think rationally, they realized that the whole Jesus thing is a terrible, evil hoax. It took me five years from the time I decided not to be a Christian anymore to where I threw Jesus out of my life altogether. You can do it. Don’t be afraid. There is no heaven, no hell. There is no evidence that this Jesus ever even lived. Now that you have taken the first step to freedom, do not let these others here enslave you again with either fear bombing, or love bombing, or all the nonsensical things Christians will say to explain why you no longer believe the nonsense they still believe. Because, you see, every time someone leaves the fold, they have to face the reality that what they believe is a lie. Which it is. This is why they want Jews converted so badly. They can never be sure when their Jesus’ (I state “their” Jesus) was not even accepted by his own people. Jewish messiah, Jewish rules, Jewish rejection of this fraud. Come, come to freedom. Sign me …ex Christian and overjoyed about it!
Thanks for dropping by, but I’d suggest reading the whole of what I wrote. You’ll find that I never questioned my belief but rather my association with certain people that claim to be Christians while spreading hate.
You’ll find that your ad hominem statements implying that Christians do not have rational thought and the straw man arguments you posit don’t really do much to sway my opinion, but if you wish to understand my beliefs and why they are foundational to my entire life, as opposed to a fear of hell or hope of heaven, then I invite you to start by reading this whole article and then the rest of my blog.
I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t find the truth. Try reading the new testament first, I mean really read it from Mathew – Revelations. I found that no human mind could have come up with any of the books, it’s all from the Father for us, it’s the only physical thing we have that teaches us Gods’ love for us, and what we must do to attain the truth and what to do with it once we’ve renewed our minds to the mind of Christ. The enemy is a very cunning liar and will fill your head with lies, “the devil goes to and fro looking for souls to devour”
As to your “there’s no proof that Jesus ever lived” remark is way off the mark. Scientist and archeologist are finding more and more proof that Jesus did live (even the Koran acknowledges him, but identifies him incorrectly), anyways do your homework before making such remarks. Jesus love
s you and will always forgive you if you come to him and ask with a true heart and mind.
This is the Church that lead me back to Jesus: http://www.jglm.org/
100% Biblical teachings, we agree that when the church starts looking like the world, than it’s no longer inline with the word of God.
Hi, Nick,
Thanks for sharing. I really had to laugh at your millstone comment. I think that way to keep myself sane as well! Well, one thing that helps me when dealing with other Christians who are haters is thinking about how Jesus had to deal with other Jews who are haters. And most of them were privileged “leaders.” And many got their privilege from sucking up to the Roman imperialists who allowed the Jewish community to practice some of their Judaic faith, at least the parts that didn’t threaten Rome. And, I think that is true of a lot of so-called Christian haters. They love the privilege and status they have in the America due to their brand of Christianity–even at the expense of others of their faith. They would never be prisoners of the State as they are such enablers of the status quo, unlike Jesus who was a political prisoner crucified by the Roman State and their Pharisee enablers. Well, I’m rambling now. I know you from your WordPress work for years and this is the first time I’ve visited your website and it is making me praise God. Keep the faith, good brother.