I think that’s how it goes? Tonight we talked about the differences between guys and gals. Then we did a big dance number. Wait, no, that was the weird dream I had. We did talk about the differences though. I showed a great clip from the Skit Guys that illustrated that God made us and wants to remake us into what He intended. Then I talked a bit about how we were all created in His image. Actually it was kind cool because I slipped out the side door while the lights were out and waited by the back door which is right by the platform. I began reading the scripture just before I stepped through the door right as I heard the clip end so I knew it would be like totally dark and the light would be coming in from behind me. Very dramatic … especially for me. Check out the video:
After this and my short introduction I sent the guys down to the basement with my male leaders and had them start going through the questions and I talked to the girls. I talked about how they have had various images put on them and how that has made so many girls do things that are destroying them. This isn’t really new, back in the day women were practically second class citizens. Actually there was a point where they really were. Things changed but because we are so broken we only made it worse. God showed respect to women through Jesus who always treated them like real people, which was huge compared to the culture He was walking in. I related to my girls that they could never hear enough that they deserve respect, and that God made them to be perfect without destroying themselves. I thought about showing this video, but I figured one was enough.
Then I talked to the guys about the differences between us and girls and how it can drive us crazy, and even make us angry, but I brought it back around to this same issue of respect. I used a lot of illustrations from my life and talked about how different the kids were even before they were born. We are all so very different but we are patterned after God according to Genesis. Because of this we must respect each other, especially that guys need to show respect to girls. They way they treat their mothers and sisters and girlfriends is exactly how they will treat a future spouse.
At the end of the night I brought the groups back together and we went through questions that the guys and girls had come up with to ask each other. Most of the questions were really good. A few were kind of obvious, but some of the guys were asking, “what kind of guy would you like to marry?” and “what impresses you?” The girl’s answers to these were really great and I hope the guys were listening. The girls asked some interesting questions too. A lot revolved around things that had hurt them in the past like “why do guys only go for the pretty girls?” and “why do guys cheat instead of just breaking up with a girl?” I think the discussion went really well though and I hope people learned something from it all.
Did you ever get this kind of chance as a teen? I wonder what questions you would ask given the opportunity?
That first video was pretty awesome.
Yeah, I really like the skit guys. They do a great job making their point. Also, imagine someone reading “God created them in His image; He patterned them after Himself. He made them male and female” just as the skit ends and the room is dark except someone suddenly backlit in the door behind the screen you were watching. Yeah that was fun.
No, I didn’t get this opportunity as a teen and though I probably would have been embarrassed by it, it would have been very helpful (for me and some others around me who didn’t make the greatest choices). Great stuff, Nick- sound like you’re doing an amazing job.
I was worried that students would be really embarrassed but they responded very well. Also, Thanks.
I was blessed to have a great youth director and youth group throughout jr high. In high school we moved and I never found that cohesive group again. I commend you for going to such great lengths to help these kids make their way.
Thanks. I didn’t have much of a youth group in HS. We had like 6 students in the group.
You are a great youth pastor. I’m basically a teen, and the first video was very well put together.
More teens need to hear what you told them. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, yeah that video is from the sit guys. They make great videos, but I hate buying them individually from them. $15 for a 10 minute video download seems like too much. I bought a DVD with several videos for $25. Makes me feel better.
i like that music video alot and (surprise surprise!) i love that song just because it makes me feel good. i think gils vs. boys went really well. i liked asking and anwsering questions. even tho some of the answers still left me unsatisfied lol. but overall i really liked it.
I really wrestled about showing the video. I had it at the church, but I was concerned about time already. I’ll show it another time. Oh and mmmm cinnamon kisses.
You are an awesome leader, Nick. I’ve said before, I wish there had been a mentor like you for my boys.
That wouldn’t have worked well. I would have been a terrible influence on them … well not terrible but we are like the same age so not nearly as positive Also, thanks.
great post, really liked the first video, actually posted it to my blog and added a link to you…
Thanks, it is a really great vid.
Houses are not cheap and not everybody is able to buy it. But, home loans are invented to help different people in such cases.
Okay, funny story. This is one of a number of posts I have sent to a friend of mine.
But so far it is the only one that got flagged and e-mailed to their accountability partner by x3watch (his accountability software)
Maybe the settings are a little to high. 🙂