I wanted to write a funny top ten post today but that will have to wait because yesterday an American flew into a building in Texas that housed the local IRS office. I began reading about the details of the event and found it to be a confusing mess. Admittedly the investigation seems to be pretty tidy, but there will be conspiracies surrounding this for ages to come. The man involves appears to have done this on his own and as a protest against a corrupt government. He supposedly posted his manifesto/suicide note to a website for his business. The site was taken down by the host per a request … [Read more...]
Archives for 2010
Talking bout S.E.X.
Well we finally got to start the series on Sex. We were supposed to start 2 weeks ago but weather issues made me delay. I've talked to a lot of Youth Pastors about this and we are pretty much all on the same page. Someone needs to bring this up with students. Most of them aren't getting this information from their parents or other trusted and safe adult. They are getting all kinds of information about sex from each other and the media. This results in a very distorted view on sex and sexuality. Most of the YPs I talk to plan some kind of sex talk every 2-4 years. I have a major series planned … [Read more...]
Percy Jackson and the Plot Thief
I watched Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief last night. If you are thinking about watching it, then I'll do my best to avoid spoilers. It is a good movie but the basic plot is a rehash of The Clash of the Titans which is more or less the story of Perseus and some feats he accomplishes as told by various ancient Greek sources. Of course that is kind of the whole point so I guess it isn't right so poke fun at the fact that this plot is totally hijacked. The obstacles that Percy must overcome, though, are not limited to those that Perseus faces. They mix in various … [Read more...]
Thinking God is too small? Think again.
It keeps happening to me. I think about God and how amazing He is. I think about everything He has done and I am literally in awe. He made the entire universe form scratch. I can't even bake a freakin cake without a box recipe. He build each of us and made us unique and special and then made it all better when we screwed up his perfect work of art that is us over and over. Despite all of that I keep forgetting just how big and powerful God is. Maybe it is because He is close and personal. He is a friend and Father. I end up putting human limitations on Him and then wonder why I am … [Read more...]
Blue Law Sunday
I often learn new and fascinating fact in church. Unfortunately they are often random things that aren't really part of what I should have learned. Pastor did a great sermon yesterday from Matthew. It had something to do with being full of the Spirit of God and acting like it. I try really hard to pay attention, but I get easily distracted and there are so many distracting things in the sound booth. Of course I do learn things. Yesterday I learned about the blue laws. I had heard of these kinds of things in the past, and I even know that some of these laws still exist in certain … [Read more...]
Mysticism and Dreams
I try to be a very logical person. I see creation as a structured construct. Things have a cause and effect. God planned everything out carefully and knew what each action would cause. He is not random or capricious. This is the basis for my theology and my world view. On the other hand I believe God is close and involved with us if we listen. I know a lot of people disagree with me. The believe that God is either this distance creator that started things and then stepped back to see what happens or that he does get involved from time to time but only with specific and special people. Many … [Read more...]
Waiting on Katdish for a clever title
I talk to my students about praying and reading their Bibles pretty often. I especially bring this up with the "inner group." I have about a dozen students that I focus on more than the others and I am always telling them to read their Bibles and pray. I have taught on how to read and pray and I have even given Bibles to students. I keep getting excuses though, even from the inner most. I thought it would be nice to get a list of excuses together, stated and unstated, so that we can work on solutions ... well laughter. #10: The dog ate my Bible We've all heard about the dyslexic atheist … [Read more...]
Mr. Fix-it
My kids are growing up. They have been breaking things since they were very young. The baby broke our DVD player a couple months ago. My second born took a toy apart earlier this week. Today I saw the youngest girl trying to put a pair of play shoes back together. So far I have been able to fix most of the things they break, but they have started to try and fix it on their own. Most of the time they are trying to hide it from me, but occasionally they are trying to emulate me. One of the other kids will break something so the older two try to fix it for them. As far as I know they haven't … [Read more...]
Call to arms … pens … well keys
I am a pretty busy person. Most of my regular readers know that I am a husband, father of 4 children, youth pastor, founding member of a coalition of youth ministers, and officer of Community Family Life Ministries. I do a lot of other things too. One of the bigger things is the Warren County Coalition. I am on the board for this community groups and volunteer for a lot of different things they do. The WCC does a lot of things for students and their families in our community. Much of what they do is driven by the grants they are able to get. They spend much of their efforts in two fronts. … [Read more...]
Blog Carnival: Patience
Once again I am participating in the blog carnival hosted by Bridget Chumbley. The word for the day is "Patience." This is partially my fault as I suggested the fruit of the Spirit would be great series of themes. I am not one for patience, but I am one to have fun. To that end I will be updating this post throughout the day with my thoughts on patience. Thought One: Patience is a Virtue Whenever I think of Patience this is the first thing that comes to my mind. The second though I always have is that it is a virtue I do not have. I try to be patient but I just can't focus that long. If I … [Read more...]