New series I’m starting with my students tonight. Do you ever ask/yell, “WHY!!!???” to God? What kinds of answers have you received? What was the question about? How do you think that question affects your relationship with God?

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
I used to refuse to allow myself to ask the question… Because even as I’d think, “Why?” I’d hear the echo of “Why not?”
I think the most common “Why?” for me is “Why do bad things happen to me?” or “Why do certain people mistreat me?” And sadly, the answer that I keep coming back to is that I deserve it and that I’m not worthy of anything better. Most days, I know that’s not true, but it is what I keep coming back to. I know all of the “good” answers, like, “People have free will to mistreat you.” or “One day, you’ll be able to bless people that have been in the same places you’ve been.” or “It’s not your fault. It’s their problem.” But honestly, knowing those things doesn’t actually lessen the pain.
Sarah, Thanks for sharing. Some really good thoughts. I especially like the last point that knowing doesn’t really lessen the pain.
I think God wants us to ask questions. He was us to inquire about His will and His plan. But he also obsessed with trust. He wants us to trust Him.
I’ve cried out, “Why?” before but I try to never seperate that question from my trust in Him. I feel that even when I ask God that question His answer is always, “Trust me, I’m preparing you for something.”
Ryan, wow, that is great. I’m totally putting that last paragraph in one of my sermon slides 🙂
Hi Nick,
I guess as parents one of the big “Why?!!” moments is when your child is injured or gets sick. I found reading this post by the Mum of a really sick young lad heartening 🙂