So I had a very nice post written just for today to welcome everyone that visited because I was a guest writer for Jon over at Stuff Christians Like, but alas technology has conspired against me and my laptop is all alone in some service center waiting to be poked and prodded by cold unfeeling technicians. OK, admittedly the cold unfeeling part might be nice for a laptop. I tend to get angry and heated. Still, my laptop has the file I want sitting there in a little directory carefully named so that I can find it easily. Being a good geek I took the time to backup all of my files.
Sure I wouldn’t have access to the convenient program that lets me edit my blog posts before sending them out, but the file would be there in my nice little folder carefully named so that I can find it. Then disaster and detestation struck. That last part is an inside joke only a few of you will get but the laughs will be worth it. If it is important for you to get the joke you will need to read my blog from Wednesday and the comments. Of course it won’t be nearly as funny after the work so sorry.
What was the disaster, well nothing less than two of my larger directories, and all sub-directories, was corrupted. Literally 16 GB of information lost. Fortunately I am a geek and I was able to recover the files but i need to sort through mountains of document files because the recovery process doesn’t put them into nice little folders with clear names like they were before the corruption.
This brings me to the freaky Friday switch of the day, as opposed to the switch that would have been funnier but didn’t work out. I had asked Jon if he would be interested in pulling a real Freaky Friday and write something for my blog as well. It would have been grand, but he is busy writing other things like his book. Since I want him to finish the book I guess I’ll accept that as an excuse.
Now where was I before something distracted me? Oh yes, my switch for the day. It occurs to me that this whole idea of blogging can only exist in the information age, but I thought it would be fun to see how it would work in other ages. Going backward:
- The Teenage: For someo of you this might not be the first age we cross. The internet has been around since I was a teenager so it counts. The natural existence of the blogosphere during this time prior to the existence of blogging was summed up in a teenagers journal or diary. Now I never kept anything like that but I did know people who did. The thought that anyone could read and respond to these would have scared a god many teens straight. Teen girls every where joined together against younger brothers crying, “I’ll kill you for reading my diary.” It was a grand time.
- The Newsage: People still read the paper and watch news on TV. I know this must be true because they still print papers and make News shows. I generally don’t and huge portions of my generation don’t. Back in the day, though, they had an editorial section in these papers where people could write in and comment on what otehr people have said. This would be printed allowing for debate. I would say intelligent debate but the reality from wha tI’ve seen is that the paper wasn’t all that discrimenent. Certainly very close ties to blogland. I would say that if you mashed the comics and the editorial with instant updateing you get almsot exactly what we have here.
- The after church gossipage: The next best thing to blogging is finding out all the latest dish at church. Nothing travels faster than the speed of rumor in a church. This can be demonstrated by the fact that a rumor has less mass than a photon. Rumors are often based in fiction and fiction is not real and something that is not real cannot have mass, which is how they spread so quickly. I’m sure you have always wondered how that worked, bu there is it in simple math and physics that cannot be contested.
- The Stoneage: Yes even back then they had a version of blogs. On the backwall of the cave they would draw pictographs telling of their conquests and such. Then someone else would edit the post and complain that a moose has two antlers not just one, but enver mind the critism it really was a funny picture. Oh it was a wonderful age, but alas it was not to last.
I wonder if anyone can think of other ages and how blogs might have been represented in them? Please leave your ideas.
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