I loved most of the “boy” shows on TV in the 80s, but He Man was in the top 5. If you are familiar with the show, there is a man, Prince Adam, with a scardy cat of a tiger, Cringer, who had to defend the secrets of Castle Grayskull from Skeletor. Pretty straight forward for a show with a bit less than imaginative names.
Anyways, when it was time for battle Prince Adam could raise his power sword and shout “by the power of Grayskull I am He-man.” Then he would turn into a powerful warrior and his cowardly tiger would become the valorous Battle Cat.
Of course, there is no sword for us to raise to bring strength and courage. In life we are often expected to rise above fear. I did learn that it is possible to overcome fear though. A warrior does not live without fear, but rather lives in control of fear.
I do not face fights like He-man, but I do battle constantly. I battle evil of the greatest measure. All Christians do. Some are afraid to step forward and speak truth and life. When they open themselves to the power of the Spirit they become spiritual giants. Consider Peter, who denied Christ in fear then 53 days later spoke to the same mob that called for his crucifixion.
There is no sword to raise that brings strength and courage, but there is a Spirit that is available to all Christians which will allow us to overcome our fear and ourselves.
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