“Why is it called hamburger? It’s not from pigs and it isn’t made out of boogers. Those are the stuff up your nose.”

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
Most of the time being a dad is really cool. Watching your kids learn is an amazing, possibly even a frigintastical experience. Other times it can be really frustrating or even down right scary. I remember when my oldest son was born. He was 10 weeks early, and quite frankly I didn't really believe my wife when she told me we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Fortunately she convinced me and we rushed to the other side of town. He was born before the doctor made it to the hospital "in call" (my wife's water hadn't even broken). His little cry was so small and distant … [Read more...]
My daughter has learned something new. We bought her a Baby Alive and she has to go a week without any demerits in school and clean her room everyday to earn the baby. Quite frankly I think the baby is a lot creepy, like Chucky. Watch the video and decide for yourself.All my daughter has been talking about for the last week is this baby doll. She got a demerit on Wednesday (the only one this week) and pitched a huge fit that really surprised her teacher. We were going to let her have it if she didn't get any more demerits (what can I say, I'm an old softy) and cleaned her room. Today she … [Read more...]
There are a lot of really cool things about being a Youth pastor. I get to have lots of fun doing something I love. Not a lot of people can say that about their jobs. I get to help shape the lives of young men and women, even fewer people get to say that. I could go on and on but right now I want to talk about one major drawback.My 5 year old daughter loves the Youth and they love her. She likes to head in with my early on Youth night and stay with me late. She rides on the boys skate boards and hangs out with the girls. She is starting to talk about clothes and makeup with these girls. … [Read more...]
I'm afraid for my kids if it is. This week my kids decided to behave like stereotypical pastor's kids. Well, not the baby but what can he do? Wednesday my daughter got 3 demerits at school (4 equals detention) and one of those was from hitting her best friend. What on earth? Then my son finished destroying his nap mat. OK, I admit I hate the way they handle the whole nap situation. The boy doesn't take a nap unless he is ill. My oldest is the same but her teacher will make her lay quietly for 15 minutes then let her get a toy that doesn't make noise or a book to keep herself … [Read more...]
Did you know the human stomach can hold about a quart of food? Have you ever spilled a quart of oil? I have. It is amazing how much is actually in that little bottle of oil. It can spread across several feet of garage floor.I can also say that you would be amazed at how much is in a child's stomach. I woke up this morning, took my shower, got dressed, and went to get my kids ready. This is a pretty standard morning for me. Unfortunately my son came out holding his pants funny. I thought he peed his bed. This is pretty rare for him at 4. The last time was probably 6 months ago. I was … [Read more...]
An update on how awesome my daughter is. She has recently started using the computer. We got a Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten program form my mother-in-law and decided to let her start playing it earlier this week. She watched me start it one time and now we have to watch her because she will hop on the computer and start the game whenever she feels like it.Now she is browsing the internet. I mean as I type she in cruising around Disney online. I put her on the page then went to get something before trying to find something she could do and a minute later (maybe less) I walked back in … [Read more...]
Normally I focus this blog on ministry related things. That is kind of the point since I named it "My Experience as Youth Pastor." I have some pretty cool kids though. If you don't know I have 4 kids from 8 months old to 5 years old. Life tends to be hectic but fun. They are so funny but the oldest is really the most interesting right now. She is just starting to get jokes. She would laugh at stuff before but never really jokes unless others laughed and she was just laughing along.I don't know if you've had kids yet but they go through several stages of humor and understanding jokes is … [Read more...]