A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post called, "No wonder people don't trust Christians" where I related a lie that Christians like to tell. To be honest a great many Christians spread lies and don't even know it. Some of the lies are innocent, like the rope tied to the priest's ankle when he went into the holy of holies on yom kippur. You might believe this is a Biblical truth, but unfortunately it is just a cool idea that isn't found in the Bible or any other ancient Rabbinic texts. The first time it shows up is around the 14th century, long after the Temple was destroyed. Other lies are more … [Read more...]
No wonder people don’t trust Christians
I am helping with Bible and Chemistry for one of the students at the Christian school the church hosts. He is a senior but really struggles with learning. His basic learning abilities are stunted because they would let him look at the answer keys whenever he didn't know the answers. Apparently this is the basic process by which the high school has always handled teaching and it hasn't terribly hurt most of the students because they don't abuse the system. The problem is, students that need extra help are harmed because they learn that abusing the system is easier. Anyways, the point is … [Read more...]