Believe it or not this post is not exactly a red-warning sex post. It is actually about my last weekend and a marriage seminar I attended with my wife. We attended an Assemblies of God Marriage Encounter this past weekend. Now some people might suddenly assume that Mrs_theGeek and I have been having problems. Of course this is true but not in a significant sense of the word. We are married and we are human, this means we have different opinions and occasionally even get grumpy. When you add ministry into it there is a lot of stress so we might even … fight.
Seriously though, we have a good strong marriage but this is because we attend things like the AGME weekend. I have shared in the past that I believe a couple must value their marriage and a big part of that is spending time building a stronger relationship.
This past weekend was great for so many ways. We got to spend it together without ministry or the kids. I love both but we do need time away for just each other. to make things better we stayed at a nice hotel right on the beach at Virginia Beach. The weather was almost perfect. The water was a bit cold, which is to be expected this time of year, but it was sunny and comfortably warm all weekend. Our room was ocean side so we got to watch the ocean a lot. I also got some great fish tacos, which I’ve been craving.
The AGME focuses on a single mode of communication, and it really helped us to talk about some areas that we haven’t been able to deal with this weekend. I feel closer to my wife and that is always good. The mode of communication is about writing letters to each other. Of course most people know that this helps to formulate words so you are less likely to say things you will later regret. Then talking about the letters together.
I would personally recommend a AGME weekend to any married couple. Especially if the others have such a nice location.
Have you attended any kind of marriage retreat or seminar? Did they help build a strong marriage? What important thing did you learn/experience?
You fight?! *gasp*
I didn’t assume you’re having “problems.” It’s good to be proactive and healthy marriage relationships have to be maintained. They aren’t magic or automatic. Even if you have a great relationship, it can be better.
My wife and I have read books about marriage together and done Bible studies with a video series about marriage. I would definitely be open to something like this- sounds good.
What, did I say fight? I meant agree in a very heated and loud manner without actually agreeing.
Also, I think that reading books and video series together is a great option. We have done plenty of that too.