Once again I am participating in the blog carnival hosted by Bridget Chumbley. The word for the day is “Patience.” This is partially my fault as I suggested the fruit of the Spirit would be great series of themes. I am not one for patience, but I am one to have fun.
To that end I will be updating this post throughout the day with my thoughts on patience.
Thought One: Patience is a Virtue
Whenever I think of Patience this is the first thing that comes to my mind. The second though I always have is that it is a virtue I do not have. I try to be patient but I just can’t focus that long. If I have to wait for something I tend to either forget about it or obsess over it. I can see how it would be virtuous. Whether I am waiting at the DMV or am talking to one of my students patience would serve me well. I start off doing well but I tend to get distracted and forget why I need to be patient. I start thinking ahead and about other things. I get frustrated and eventually exasperated.
Thought Two: Patience is Earned
I wish it could be bought or given. I use to think that maybe God would just grant patience if you pray for it. I made that mistake and learned my lesson. When you pray for patience, then God seeks to teach you patience. Expect to wait for EVERYTHING until you find serenity while waiting or beg for mercy in your foolish request. Well, I assume that once you’ve learned patience God eases up the lessons. I didn’t make it that far.
Thought Three: There are No Shortcuts
It is just like getting in shape. Sure there are a millions products on tv that claim to make getting in shape easy. Pills, dieting secrets, exercise videos, weird exercise equipment, and even devices that electrocute your muscles. These things and more fill the garages and attics of overweight and easily winded people around the country. Promises of an easy way to get in shape that never panned out. Patience is the same. There are probably all manner of books and sermons that promise to teach the secret to patience. Unless they share this simple truth they are a sham. To find patience in your life you must endure suffering.
Thought Four: SERENITY NOW!!!!
I never liked Seinfeld. There I’ve said it. Please don’t judge me. Despite not liking the show I have not been able to escape it. It has become part of out culture and I can quote many lines form the series that I never watched. I know that there is an episode where Frank Costanza is yelling “Serenity Now” for some reason. I don’t know but I assume that he is trying to bring peace into his life for some reason. It amuses me because this is a great example of trying to get patience by following some simple process. I also assume that it failed because it is Seinfeld.
Real patience comes from Peace which we find in God.
Thought Five: Patience Probably isn’t What You Think
I should have put this first. After you read this go back and read everything else and see if that changes what the rest means. I wanted to put it first, but then I decided that I wanted people to read the other thoughts throughout this day with their own framework (I know a fancy German word for this but it would be silly to use it unless I just wanted to sound smart).
Most of us think of patience within the realm of waiting patiently. Maybe you are waiting for something big, like a job, a child, good news from the doctor … It really tests your perception of patience, and to be honest it is close to the truth of what patience is. Patience is about enduring hardship. Look up the word in a dictionary if you don’t believe me. We water down words to the point that we don’t know what they mean any more. Some older English Bibles use the phrase “long suffering” where newer Bibles say “Patience.” I have struggled with this myself on many occasions.
I feel pressed because I have to wait on things, but that isn’t really a test of my patience. Enduring with “people of God” pushes the limits of my patience though. I struggle back and forth between the real meaning of the word and my preconceived notion of what patience means.
Now go back and read my thoughts under this idea of patience being about enduring hardship. Look at your own life and ask if maybe you have more patience than you thought.
This is my final thought on this. If you viewed this blog early in the day that I originally posted it you would have found an incomplete post with a few thoughts. Ever 3 hours or so I updated with a new thought until all five thoughts were posted.
Just out of curiosity, for those that saw the less than complete post, how often did you check back? What did you think of my little play on the theme?
Sounds interesting… I’ll be checking back to see how it’s going.
I understand the obsessing all too well!
Thanks for hosting this every couple of weeks.
Huh…forgetting or obsessing. Yep. I do that all the time.
It is terrible isn’t it. It would be worse if I didn’t always forget what I’m obsessing about.
As someone who struggles with patience and ADD…..I am anxious (see, I can’t wait!) to hear more of your thoughts on this.
I hope that the rest of my thoughts are worth the wait.
I never understood why people go to the doctor’s and don’t bring anything to read, it’s like setting yourself up for frustration. Or going to the grocery store on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. There is some wisdom in thinking things through so you won’t have to be annoyed about things.
But we have never been such an existentialist society in that we want everything now. Waiting 3 seconds for a web page to load up and we’re like, “Gosh so freaking slow!” Get music instantly, tv instantly, fast food, we think a five minute prayer is long, etc. I’m not sure how to combat these things.
I look at Jesus for an example of patience, especially in front of Pilate.
Personally I bring my DS if I’m going to the doctor’s office.
Jesus is the perfect example of patience though.
The art of patience … That is what I thought about as I read your post. Thanks.
Thank you. I hope you check back for the updates. I’m kinda having fun with this little twist.
I once prayed for patience and I asked God to hurry the flip up! Okay sorry, bad joke.
Yeah I find that when my patience is really tried I will pray, “God I really need patience right now.” Sadly that isn’t a joke.
Patience is earned — and it’s learned. It doesn’t come naturally, at least to most of us. Good post, Nick.
I don’t know anyone that comes by patience naturally. Well except for the fake kind that people with extreme ADD have because the just lose focus and move on. I’m only half way there though.
There are so many cliches that fit… If it seems to good to be true… it probably is!
A quick fix is almost never the right answer, and that is why so many fail to ever learn real patience!
Enjoying your thoughts, Nick.
I have had a few successes with the quick fix, but never for anything with real permanence. Patience is one of those eternal things so fast just can’t work.
Great thoughts and nice way to teach us about patience by making us wait for your next thoughts. 🙂
And if you ever do find a shortcut, let me know (although I’m pretty sure looking for shortcuts to patience always ends up taking longer)
If I find a short cut that works I’m gonna write a book and make millions. I’ll give you a free copy though, but you’ll have to wait your turn.
Yeah reminds me of a short cut I took while driving once but ended up turning the wrong way and so it took like twice as long. It was terrible.
I’ll be honest. I’m not patient but I need to learn to be.
Don’t we all. Maybe that is why we’ve had all the snow. To teach us patience?
I think, for me, daily patience isn’t too much of a problem. I can deal with long lines or screaming kids. I am (was?) a stay at home mom, but my husband had a horrific car accident and lost his job (they aren’t related per se) and I am having a hard time being patient with what God has in store for us. I want my husband to find a good job, find a new home and I want that to happen yesterday. Does that make sense?
That makes more than a little sense. I also think those are the kind of things God is really talking about. I will be mentioning what patience really is with my last update.
I will be praying for your family though. It can be very hard in this economy when you have a job so I can imagine how much more stressful it is without that assurance of income.
Very clever post. I’ve checked in a couple of times…I’m not impatient, just curious : )
In a funny bit of coincidence I locked myself out of my house this morning just as I was headed to a meeting. Thankfully I did have on a coat (it’s freezing) and I had my phone. It took over an hour to track down a locksmith and wait for him to arrive. I’m glad I was mulling over some of the thoughts I’d read on the blog carnival or it might have ruined my day.
Thanks for checking in. I was venting on twitter earlier that the timing of this patience post was terrible since I’m snowed in with 4 young kids. That is enough to drive anyone batty. It seems that whenever we even talk about patience we are put to the test. I’m glad that some people were able to band together today and take comfort in what others have said. I know I’ve enjoyed the 30+ other posts on patience. Might just keep my sanity for another day.
What a great idea to post a little piece of your post all during the day. Very cool and creative.
Patience is definitely earned and learned. We have to be careful what we ask for. We may just get it, just not like how we think it should come.
Thanks for the great post.
Thanks. Also glad you liked the generic avatars. If you want your own image you can always get a Gravatar which will follow you to most sites now.
BTW, I love the icons/avatars that get put with our names on our comments. They are so funny.
Okay, so I’ll say it too — I didn’t like Seinfeld either.
As to this post — I only saw it now and love it!
This made me smile and wish it were true!
“Patience is earned. I wish it could be bought or given.”
Great stuff!
Thanks. Too bad you couldn’t be forced to wait for each thought. Oh well.
You hated Seinfeld?! What?! (Actually, I didn’t like it either. More of an apathetic reaction tho. Isn’t that even worse than hate?)
Well, I relate to your obsessing vs forgetting problem for sure. And I liked all the random thoughts on patience. Lots to process.
In many ways apathy is worse that hate. Hate is what causes a few people do really bad things. Apathy is what lets an entire nation do really bad things. Also, Thanks