I’ve been pretty busy with writing a series on my design blog so my posts here have been a bit more sparse. Here is the last one I’ve written for the God is … series over at Make a Diff.

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
I love listening to the stories of how God use to work in church. I might chalk it up to nostalgia or some other such thing, but I can remember God moving in services in a powerful way when I was a teen. I remember going to convention and God taking over the service, or Youth camp and being in the altars all night long. I remember a few chapel services in college where God moved and classes were cancelled for the rest of the day. These experiences don't seem to happen like that any more. Yes, God moved powerfully at ATF this year, but honestly it was just a small taste of what I have … [Read more...]
While at ATF I came to a very important conclusion. Peter must have been a Youth Pastor. I believe I've written in the past about why Paul must have been a Pentecostal evangelist. Most respectable denominations make a point of wrapping up the sermon before some kid falls asleep in the window and dies. Leave it to a Pentecostal evangelist to preach on and on till the poor young man falls to his death. Ok, maybe some other denominations might have spoken on like that the last night of a camp meeting or something, but this is where you know Paul is a Pentecostal evangelist. he doesn't let … [Read more...]
ATF is always a fun experience for me. I enjoy the student sessions, but I always felt like the Leader sessions were more of a sales pitch, like "come enjoy a great fun weekend, but you need to listen to our time share sales presentation ..." sorta deal. I'm sure the resources are great. In fact I almost bought some of the resources this year, but only because they kinda tossed it out as an aside, not as a big part of what they were talking about. Normally it's like "this is what we've done to help youth groups grow so let me give you a few tips, and you can buys these books with the full … [Read more...]