My kids are growing up. They have been breaking things since they were very young. The baby broke our DVD player a couple months ago. My second born took a toy apart earlier this week. Today I saw the youngest girl trying to put a pair of play shoes back together. So far I have been able to fix most of the things they break, but they have started to try and fix it on their own. Most of the time they are trying to hide it from me, but occasionally they are trying to emulate me. One of the other kids will break something so the older two try to fix it for them. As far as I know they haven't … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2010
Call to arms … pens … well keys
I am a pretty busy person. Most of my regular readers know that I am a husband, father of 4 children, youth pastor, founding member of a coalition of youth ministers, and officer of Community Family Life Ministries. I do a lot of other things too. One of the bigger things is the Warren County Coalition. I am on the board for this community groups and volunteer for a lot of different things they do. The WCC does a lot of things for students and their families in our community. Much of what they do is driven by the grants they are able to get. They spend much of their efforts in two fronts. … [Read more...]
Blog Carnival: Patience
Once again I am participating in the blog carnival hosted by Bridget Chumbley. The word for the day is "Patience." This is partially my fault as I suggested the fruit of the Spirit would be great series of themes. I am not one for patience, but I am one to have fun. To that end I will be updating this post throughout the day with my thoughts on patience. Thought One: Patience is a Virtue Whenever I think of Patience this is the first thing that comes to my mind. The second though I always have is that it is a virtue I do not have. I try to be patient but I just can't focus that long. If I … [Read more...]
Buying Sex
They say "sex sells" and it seems that was the theme of the Super Bowl ads last night. There were two different Go Daddy commercials where women were showing off their bodies to sell web services. There was a cell phone commercial featuring Megan Fox taking a bath. There were several other commercials involving people in various stages of undress. Of course none of this is really new. Sex has been part of of the sales for as long as I can remember. It has probably been since the very beginning of sales history. Some half nekkid cave woman drawn on the community wall advertising custom stone … [Read more...]
Not a bad person
Yesterday I wrote about some bullying that happened in Youth this week. I don't know the real answer on how to deal with that but if you have a suggestion then please head over and let me know. I briefly hinted at my past problem with bullies. Back in school I tended to attract them. There were several features that caused me to get more than my share of bullying. I was pretty smart I moved a lot I didn't have a lot of friends (part of moving a lot) I have a very strong aversion to injustice I reacted There were certainly other reasons but these were the main ones. The biggest … [Read more...]
Why do people gotta be jerks
We got some snow Tuesday night. Schools were closed but things were pretty clear by noon so I had service last night. I ended up shifting the start of the sex and relationship series to next week though. Instead we just had a fun night. There were about 30 students there and we had snowball fights and other random things. At one point I had about 6 ganging up on me in the snowball fight. I had snow packed into my ear when I finally went inside a shook the snow off on a couple of students that wouldn't go join in on the fun. Later I learned about some things that really frustrate me. I have … [Read more...]
Becoming a better …
I feel strongly that we need to always be working to be a better ... Right off the top we know that we should grow in Christ so we can be a better Christian. I've written about this a bit. I also think that if you are married you should work on being a better spouse. If you are a teacher you should always be looking for things that will make you a better teacher. As a youth pastor I need to work on things to be a better youth pastor. There are a ton of resources online. If you are in student ministry and don't already subscribe to the newsletters from Youth Specialties and Simply Youth then … [Read more...]
Churches, we don’t need no stinking churches
I recently read some disturbing statistics about churches here in America. We all know that churches are closing their doors all across the country. This is pretty upsetting but not what I would call disturbing. This specific statistic states that only 15% of churches are growing and only 2.2% are from conversion. This means a lot of things when you follow the logic through. Now I'm not the best at math any more, I just don't use it that much, so please forgive me if I mess up on any of these percentages. If 15% of churches are growing this means that 85% are holding steady or losing … [Read more...]
And the winner is…
I had 5 people enter my book give away. I'll admit that is a little disappointing, I mean hey, free book right? I hope more people enter for my next one. I'm very excited about it, but I can't give away details till I get the details worked out. It will be pretty frigintastic though. Anyways, there were multiple entries from most of the participants all within the stated rules. I allowed a maximum of 10 entries, but the most I received from a single person was 5. I put the entries down in the order I received them and assigned them a number starting with one right down to 16 (total number … [Read more...]