We are just getting into Crazy Love in the Young Adults class I lead. Tonight was Chapter 3, which I feel is the key to the entire book. Chapters 1&2 are nice but not required to grasp the book. They set the stage for why we should love God but Chapter 3 explains it. If you don't get this concept then you will fall into the idea that the book is promoting a works based theology. That isn't it at all though.That said I am kind of disappointed in the discussion on the chapter tonight. I was really hoping that there would be some good talk but I had to really coax anything out. I'm not … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2009
What’s the deal with corporate sacrifice
Seriously, why get caught up in this whole Lent thing? If God calls me to sacrifice something then I'll do it in my own time in my own way not just because the calendar tells me to. Last week I talked about Lent a little and how through our sacrifice we join in a small way with what Jesus did. Everything about Jesus' life on Earth was sacrifice. The moment Mary conceived Christ there was sacrifice. Mary sacrificed her place in society not knowing if she would be killed or put away quietly never daring to hope that Joseph would be moved to keep her. Jesus, of course, sacrificed all of … [Read more...]
Everything I learned in life came from 80’s cartoons: Don’t trust your GPS
Yesterday was a long and hard day. I had to leave just after song service from church because one of my Youth was in a pretty bad accident. She normally comes to church on Sunday, unlike 90% of my Youth, and was there but left part of the way through song service. I've been working the sound board lately so I saw her leave but couldn't catch her to see what was up. I did feel it was important to pray for her so I did. She got called in to work and was on her way home for her clothes when she lost control of her car on some loose gravel spun out into a ditch and flipped the car onto its … [Read more...]
One of my students was in a pretty bad car accident today on her way to get ready for work. The car spun out on some loose gravel that washed into the road and ended up flipped onto its side in the ditch.
Praise God, though, that she ended up climbing out of the passenger side without a scratch on her. Please pray for her.
Public Service Announcement about Watchmen
Just so you know, there is a whole lot of nekkid in Watchmen. Seriously, they show the full monty many times on the glowing blue guy. For most of the movie he isn't wearing anything at all and everything is shown swinging in the breeze. Other characters are shown nude as well as a couple of sex scenes and a near rape scene that was more than a little graphic.Short version is, don't waste your money. … [Read more...]
SYP and the Love Crazed Teen Zombies: The Aftermath
This is the conclusion of the story. For previous installments please visit part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. SYP had never been so happy to see his wife. Just when it seemed all hope was lost she came in and saved the day. He had never been so tired either. All night he had been tracking down the Love Crazed Teen Zombies and battling the evil Purple. The Cool Kid claimed to be responsible for it all but somehow he slipped off during the clean up. That was pretty bad too. The building had been hosed down during the fight against the LCTZs. It seemed to be the most effective … [Read more...]
A response to Katdish
There is a lovely discussion going on between some lovely lady bloggers and I learned long ago not to get in the middle of a cat fight, but it can be fun to throw gas on fires. Pardon my mixed metaphor but if you assume the cat fight turned into a wildfire it makes more sense. Actually I have a very funny story about why you don't get in the middle of a cat fight. I was on a swim team and one day two girls got into a serious fight. The coach tried to get in there to break it up but ended up getting clawed and bitten, so he did the next logical thing, he picked up the fur ball and chunked … [Read more...]
Many things in life require a great deal of balance. Last week I found that my sense of balance is not what it used to be, specifically balance on a snowboard. There are other aspects to balance that I am getting better at but still need a lot of practice.In youth we are still growing slowly and the people that are coming in are the kids that are not churched in the least. Mostly I'm pretty happy with how all this is going but I have one pretty big issue. I have three groups that will wonder off after they come to church. Usually they make it back but I really wish they would just stay … [Read more...]
I love Chan
So in the College and Careers class I lead we are going through Crazy Love with the DVD. Today we covered the second chapter and it went pretty good. I am trying really hard to get one of the guys to come out of his shell. It is really difficult because he is like a kung fu master of avoiding answering anything. OK like a drunken kung fu master making it look like pure accident and uncoordinated happenstance as he dumbly deflects each question without revealing anything.Speaking of crazy kung fu masters I love Jackie Chan. It is pretty awesome watching the kind of stunts he can pull off. … [Read more...]
Mile Stones
Hey I missed some important milestones. I just noticed that my Lent post just before this was my 150th post which is pretty cool. Also, I think this might be my 100th post. I don't count them so I'm not exactly sure, but it is close to that by my count.I should probably number them so I know how many post's I've made, then if I reach 500 like Jon over at SCL I'll know about it before hand. … [Read more...]