So I was browsing for some old HS friend a bit ago and it occurred to me that I am very much a product of my environment. Specifically I love Oklahoma football. I can’t help it I just do and it is nice that they have been doing so awesome since Stoops took over.
What does that have to do with environment and my High School you ask? Well as I was browsing I noticed that the pictures of everyone seemed to include some kind of OU something or other. I am become one of the horde. I don’t know if I’m totally comfortable with that, but the other option is to reject OU just because other people like them. Once again I don’t think I’m comfortable with that.
I guess what it boils down to is that I move forward with what I like regardless of if everyone is doing it. I don’t have to be different. Quite frankly people that try so hard to be unique end up being just like everyone else.
I don’t know who really sets the trends, but I know that Indy is hot right now, and I also know that the Indy crowd is kind of ticked that it is mainstream because they moved to Indy when their last hip whatever went mainstream. That is who they think they are. The problem is that they really are just like everyone else around them. They might stick out in a group that is different but the place they feel most comfortable is going to be around people just like them.
that said I know that if I’m in a group of people exactly like me I’m not sure I’d be totally comfortable. I love who I am. I love that I can talk geek and jock and all the other stuff in between. It makes me feel comfortable around everyone, but if I was around a group exactly like me … well I think the conversations would range in too many topics and we’d all be trying to focus on everything at once and reach critical mass and that would be total detestation for whatever city we happened to be in like when Peter lost control of his powers and nearly nuked NYC.
I love who I am but for the sake of the world people like me should just stay away.
PS. I did not write about football yesterday because my computer at home is not feeling too well. So today I am covering my monthly topic and revisiting Young Adults which didn’t happen last night because of the weather.
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