I think life would be more interesting if giant monsters occasionally walk through town. It seems to work out for Tokyo. Sure a bunch of people die but generally things are better, plus if you didn’t see the giant mecha lizard fighting the real giant lizard thing and giant moth and think, “*hmmm, maybe I should go the other direction till the all clear is sounded*” (translated from Japanese) then you probably deserve a Darwin award. It’s not like Godzilla is a freaking ninja or something. Each step has got to be heard for miles. Just head to the country for a couple days and come back so you can collect your insurance check. Great way to spend the holiday.
It would be a convenient way to deal with some annoying people too. Hey I was just thinking, “did I leave the oven on back at the apartment, could you please go check for me. I’d hate for the place to burn down with a giant mole creature digging about.” See how easy that would be? Yeah I thought so too.
Anyways, last night we had out “fun” activity. I’m a bit frustrated because we have to limit what we can do because one person says she can’t afford anything that costs money. In the summer that isn’t so hard but when it is getting cold out I’d like to do some stuff inside that might cost $5-10. I don’t think that is unreasonable for a once a month expense. Bowling is cheep and fun for a small group but I pretty well have to either cut this person out or have her come along but sit there looking bored thus making us all miserable. I’ve offered to pay but if we don’t pay for everyone she refuses. Irritating.
Anyways, last night we did a b (or would it be a z) monster movie. This is a classic that has already been riffed by Mystery Science Theater. Attack of the Gila Monster. All things considered it is actually a better movie than most movies they show on SciFi (I don’t like calling it SyFy because it seems to lame). The point of watching it isn’t for the entertainment value of the movie as much as the audience participation. If you have a 2-3 people that can really rip a movie then you are set for a great evening. We had it on a giant movie screen with 8 of us and a monster sound system so that made it ever more fun. After I showed a short segment of a film done in Pathécolor just so everyone could appreciate technocolor. Seriouslt, blacka nd white is better than Pathécolor.
Now if you are curious about The Attack of the Gila Monster, then here it is from Hulu.
If you would rather watch the Mystery Science Theater 3k version I can help you out as well.
All the parts are on YouTube. Funny Stuff.
"If you have a 2-3 people that can really rip a movie then you are set for a great evening." That's how I feel about watching wrestling on t.v.
For the girl who can't afford to do stuff but won't let you pay for her, how about having her do some work at the church to "pay her way"? We did that when I was in high school and it worked out well.
you could work out with someone in the church to "sponsor" her. __and sometimes she will likely be just cut out. but that is part of life. __is it just that she doesnt have the money, or that the family doesnt, or that she doesnt want to talk to her parents about it?__Can you talk to her parents about it?__Its been a while but it seems like with youth group we usually did like 3 weeks just regular stuff and one big thing a month on avg__you can have a game night….kids may whine about it a bit but when it gets going they usually have fun….all kinds of games, yahtzee, scattergories, trivia games__Happy Birthday….came over from Stephs blog,__Steff
Hmm, I've seen how wrestlers dress. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with a rip anywhere. That could be bad.
That might work. I'll talk to her. She is doing fund raising for an event this weekend, but I don't think this particular kind of thing works 4 her. Maybe a straight up 1 hour of work = 1 hour of fun might work.
Thanks for the visit. With the youth we were doing that, now things are transitioning to where I have a Bible Study/preaching service on Wednesday and then every Saturday is more hangout time. Once a month is movies and once a month is a game night of sorts but most of hte time it is just open hang out time. This is in my Young Adults class which is for 18+. Her family isn't really supportive at all. It's a real mess there and I feel bad for her. As for the way we do things there, right now I plan an outreach tpe evening once a month and a fun evening once a month. The rest of the month we are in a small group. Right now we are studying "I became a Christian and all I got is this lousy t-shirt."
you said you have kids right? make a deal with her for an evenings babysitting once a month to cover the costs of whatever and just kinda put it aside for her? She probably doesnt want to feel like a burden on someone for ya'll to pay for it. steff
Did I ever tell you how cute I think it is that you say "anyways" all the time? Do you talk that way, too? Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that. No, don't stop. It's soooo Nick, and somewhat geeky as well.
I was always a Godzookie (sp?) fan… he was cute, but just as pathetically un-ninja as his daddy… LOL I think Wendy's idea was great!
You have never said that and yes I do say "anyways" all the time. I write pretty well exactly like I speak.
:/ re the young lady. I'm thinking a few things, like, doesn't want to be made a fuss over, doesn't want to be the special 'charity' case, doesn't want to accept help from others due to seeing being given/'shouted' stuff as an attempt by the giver to exercise power… may be too shy, might not feel 'worthy' or of 'worth' enough to accept gifts. I kinda cracked a bit when I read that comment Nick, bit of 'there but for the grace of God go I…' for me. We as a body love her as does Christ. 🙂
I had a game on my Gameboy (the old one) where you played godzilla looking for his son through it maze full of monsters. I played forever without beating it then a few months ago I found my old gameboy in a box so I was playing a few of the games. I pulled that game out and opened the old save file. I played through a couple of the map screens and won the game. Godzilla was reunited with his son. Yay.