It keeps happening to me. I think about God and how amazing He is. I think about everything He has done and I am literally in awe. He made the entire universe form scratch. I can’t even bake a freakin cake without a box recipe. He build each of us and made us unique and special and then made it all better when we screwed up his perfect work of art that is us over and over.
Despite all of that I keep forgetting just how big and powerful God is. Maybe it is because He is close and personal. He is a friend and Father. I end up putting human limitations on Him and then wonder why I am overwhelmed. I fight through all manner of situations without going to God because I forget just how big He is. So often I think, “This is to small to bother God with, He has enough to deal with.” Did you catch that? I made the mistake of thinking that God can get overwhelmed just like I do.
That is the problem. I get overwhelmed. I have huge dreams and I want to see so many things happening but then I feel like I can’t get anything done because I’m working on so many things at once. I have to step back and decide what is important and what big picture things I need to take care of so the details can be handled by someone else, assuming I can beg someone to do it.
I take my limitations and I throw them on God. I believe that God is big enough for the big things. I will stop and pray in an instant when something huge is happening. That is what God is there for right? He has to deal with all those huge things so I’ll fret my life away trying to take car of those little details. My shoulder hurts but I can ice it and heat it and rub it and take meds. I don’t need to bother God with this. It’s nothing compared to the things that some people are enduring, stuff they won’t recover from without God. We are struggling in our finances but we can cut back and plan better and make ends meet. There are many people much worse off that God needs to help so I’ll keep pressing on.
See, I forget that God didn’t just make big brush strokes when he made the Universe, He worked on things of such fine detail that our most powerful instruments can’t see them. We can detect that there are things smaller than we can see because of the behavior of what we can see, but God made that detail. He put planets out there that we could never know about. He set it all in motion and knows the position of every aspect of His creation from before the moment it was made till after He unmakes it. He isn’t even the slightest bit taxed when doing all of this, He can attend to my smallest need if I just remember that He is big enough to handle my everything.
What do you have going on in your life that you think is too small for God?
Great, great post. Thanks Nick. I appreciate this reminder.
I hate how I act all high and holy by saying things like, “It’s all what God wants” but secretly I don’t want what God wants, I have every intention of doing what I want to do.
I think God is too small to change me. My excuse is, “I’ve struggled with X all my life, there’s no way I can change.” But the problem is that I think I have the power to change and I don’t. It’s the Holy Spirit. I can try to change but it will end up like most New Year’s resolutions, quitting the day after Valentine’s day.
I have a lot of anger issues and bitterness. I know my mom has passed down her bi polar and depression and sins to me. I know that in Christ the curse of sin is broken. But it’s a matter of just letting Him and not trying to do it or control it on my own.