In the last installment of Super Youth Pastor SYP made some poor time choices and found himself collapsed on the ground.As he shakily stood to his feet SYP was overcome with dizziness and had to sit before buckling again. Already he was surrounded. He tried to get his bearings as the shadows closed in on him. If only he could focus. He couldn't remember where he was or what happened. All he knew was something was wrong. He hadn't had so much as a cold since he became a super but this felt worse than any flu ever. He could feel the heat coming off his eyes and waves of nausea were … [Read more...]
Super Youth Pastor and the Deadliest Trap
"And so it is settled, we will keep him so busy he won't know anything is wrong until it is too late."SYP sat bolt upright in bed. His sleep deprived brain was trying to remember what startled him. Something dark and sinister in his dreams still haunted him. As he tried to think he began to realize he didn't even remember coming home. He has been so tired when he left the church that he just came home on autopilot. He doubted a car crash could have done much to him, but the worry that he might have hit someone in his overworked stupor scared him more than anything in his dreams.A few … [Read more...]
Super Youth Pastor and the Summer of Doom
When last we saw the pastoral protagonist he had just stopped the church split engine once again saving the day. Over the summer a routine set in devouring all of his time. The church needed mending and the youth needed things to do. The Janitor seemed leery of the events at the church, what with having to clean up after SYP on so many other occasions, and the voluminous fissure rent in the church by the bored of directors through their church split engine was more than he was ready to fix.The youth group got larger with every event and so SYP's time was spent at or planning the next big … [Read more...]
The Continueing Adventure of SYP and the Revenge of the Grump
Last we saw our hero he was succumbing to the Bored of Grump. It seems the dastardly Elder Grump desires Super Youth Pastor to only bring in well behaved church kids instead of following his conscious and reaching the lost. If you are joining us half way then you can catch up here.Time has lost all meaning. All I can hear is the drone of voices telling me I am weak. I cannot make it. I am not smart enough. I am not good. My eyes are so heavy. I'm not even sure they are open. I want to stand up and yell. I want to cut this near sighted moron to size with biting sarcasm but I cannot … [Read more...]
Super Youth Pastor and the Battle of Grumps
SYP crashed early that afternoon. Super Wife, the Naïve Intern, and Griz all stayed to help clean up the worst of the mess after the Lock-in of Horrors. It was an amazing evening of Love Crazed Teen Zombies and the Evil Purple. All of the teens were returned to normal and only remembered the fun parts of the evening. They believed it was somehow part of the mystery game planned for the evening. The Janitor was getting everything ready for the morning service so SYP got to finally get some rest.SYP had only been asleep for a few minutes when the phone started ringing. It was Mr. Grump, … [Read more...]
Super Youth Pastor: Purpose & Future
Last week SYP wrapped up a month long night of fighting against the evil purple. Well, technically the story was 6 weeks long but only because I put an introduction in January and the dénouement in March, but those weren't really integral to the story line. Anyways, I'm mapping out another story line, which I could have written an introduction for, but I wanted to talk about SYP for a bit.I want SYP to evolve into something for more than just myself. Right now I am writing this to burn off some stress. SYP gets to confront issues that I can't. Like taking on purple directly. I'm sure … [Read more...]
SYP and the Love Crazed Teen Zombies: The Aftermath
This is the conclusion of the story. For previous installments please visit part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. SYP had never been so happy to see his wife. Just when it seemed all hope was lost she came in and saved the day. He had never been so tired either. All night he had been tracking down the Love Crazed Teen Zombies and battling the evil Purple. The Cool Kid claimed to be responsible for it all but somehow he slipped off during the clean up. That was pretty bad too. The building had been hosed down during the fight against the LCTZs. It seemed to be the most effective … [Read more...]