I have learned that certain things I loved as a kid I now dislike, but I’ve also noticed that many of these things are fun again when I experience them with my kids. Snow is certainly one of those things.
I use to love snow when I was young. We didn’t get many great snow storms in the places I grew up. Oklahoma City got the occasional 1-4 inches but that was all we needed to have fun all day long. I would stay out in it until my clothes were sopping wet and my appendages were hurting. I would have probably played until a finger fell off or something but my parents dragged me in kicking and screaming. The waiting hot chocolate put a quick end to the fit but still, I was ready to go the second the beverage was gone.
When I was a teen my only joy in snow became getting out of school. This stayed with me for many years until I started getting called into work to shovel snow, even on the weekends. Thus my love of snow died until my children were old enough to love snow.
My oldest daughter is like me in many ways. She will stay in the snow all day if we let her, while her younger brother didn’t even want to go out in it and her younger sister only stayed for a few minutes before being “too cold.”
Oh well, at least I had to drag one kid inside. Enjoy some pictures of our winter wonderland, my dog as he enjoys the snow, and my daughters.
Beautiful… enjoy it with your kiddos! Throw a snowball or two for me…
I threw more than one or two. It has been fun.
My recent post Katdish's Holiday Gift Guide Part 2 (Repost)
you mean frigintastic?
Love the snow angel…and of course, your dog. I miss seeing Lucky make nose tunnels! I don't miss the smell of wet dog, however.
My recent post Christmas Stories
I'm not sure if it is just because this snow is so fine but it doesn't stick to him at all so no wet dog.
That is some serious snow. Between you, Ginny and Billy, I'm in awe that you get to see that kind of snow. And I'm in awe you can function in it at all. Thanks for sharing the pictures! The baby geeks look precious in the snow 😉
I'm more of the play hard then melt by the fire and never leave until the roads have completely melted sort of person in this snow. I spent too much time in OKC so I understand the fear of leaving. I trust myself to drive just fine but all the other idiots on the road keep me in the house.
When we get our 1/16th of an inch of ice here every 6 or 7 years (never snow…sigh) that's my thought too. I just stay home. I can drive on ice well enough, but the morons on the roads can't, so I just stay home. Good times. The hubs is a police officer in Dallas and back on his patrol days, he and his partner had a spot they liked to sit and watch the lunatic speeders on black ice wipe out on. Then they'd go help them. You know, as they berated the driver for going too fast on ice…
Hmmm, those kids look familiar! So does the dog! Do I know these people?
Hmm, you might know them. Hard to say for sure though. It’s not like they see you almost every day … or do they?
One of the best Youth camps I went on was rained out and then there was snow. The first I had ever seen. I have not seen real snow like that since.
To me it is a wonder.
I will have to somehow show this to my son before he grows up; kids are just more blown away by stuff like that.
Yeah my kids love the idea of snow. It seems that freakish disasters at youth events just make them better. We went to an outdoor concert in September and it was cold and very wet but it was the best time and everyone is begging to go back next year.