This time last year I disappeared from the internet for a while as a part of an elaborate prank that still gets some people angry. The prank was really simple at face value. I stole the tires off my dad’s SUV in the church parking lot. Then the pranks within pranks began. I got myself arrested on tape for stealing tires. The arrest was the prank I played on my students who were helping me to prank my dad who was in on the prank form the beginning. I had also setup several people online by hinting that my prank might be a bit illegal and that I hoped the cops didn’t get involved. Next thing you know I disappear from the internet, no commenting, no blog post, no tweeting … Sometime the afternoon of April 2nd people started asking about me on twitter, my blog, and other blogs. Early evening I made my miraculous return with the video of my arrest.
Anyways, I said all that to say I have not been posting because my computer is in the shop and I have been working 14-16 hour days for the past week with a remodel in the youth building. I’m going to write a post on that later including before, during, and after pictures. This post, though, is about youth service on Wednesday.
We had a special service where we participated in a Passover Seder. This is the meal in which Jesus institutes the practice of Communion. If you haven’t been involved in a Seder you really should at some point in your life. It really opens your eyes to the words of Christ when he speaks about the bread and wine. When he breaks the bread and talks about His body which is broken is a special part of the ceremony. he is referring to the afikomen, which is a piece of the matzo that is taken and hidden. It speaks of hope. The afikomen is later found and the person who finds it gets a prize. He was saying that this is what would happen to Him. He would be hidden for a while but then would be found and there in lies the hope of reward.
When he speaks of the cup he is referring to the 3rd of 4 cups that are taken with the meal. Each cup is about the promises of God. Freedom, Deliverance, Redemption, and Thanksgiving. He was saying that His blood is the price that was paid to redeem us from slavery to death and sin. More interesting is that Jesus refuses to take the final cup which is a cup of hope and thanksgiving. He knew His future. He would not take this cup that night because He was to be the redemption. The fourth cup is a promise he makes to take the cup with us in Heaven because of the 3rd cup.
During the Seder there is a part where someone is to open the door and call for Elijah since they are waiting on him. I set an empty place and have this part reenacted to explain that we no longer wait for Elijah but to await the return of Christ. I think this segment is jinxed or something because each time we have done this something unexpected has happened. The first time I asked a student to check the door after explaining this all, but she apparently didn’t pay attention so when she checked the door she loudly stated. “there’s no one there.” Of course this was perfect because it completely illustrated the point.
This time one of the girls that had been there for this wanted to go check the door. She knew exactly what was supposed to happen and might have had plans to say something funny on purpose, but something else happened. As she reached for the door it suddenly opened and someone came in. It was a student that was running late but the timing was unreal. I figure we’ll be talking about this for a couple of years too.
Have you ever been involved with a Seder? What did you think?
Oh man. I love how things like that just happen. It’s uncanny! It’s great. The Seder was fun. Never heard of it so I learned something new. Thanks nick.
You’re welcome and I’m glad you learned something. It was too funny how that worked out though.
Oh, that’s great. My question is, how did you get the cops to arrest you? I love how the pranksters became the pranked.
And the Seder was interesting. I’ve heard the term but never really understood what it was all about.
Oops, I forgot to mention that I know the Chief of Police. He helps me out on Wednesday nights now.
About a dozen years ago, I went to a Passover Seder at a Messianic Jewish cell group. It made such a huge impression on me that I’ve wanted to go to another one ever since.
And Nick, I’m glad you didn’t get arrested this year. 😉
yeah I’m glad I didn’t get arrested … or tazed. You should try to organize a seder with some of the youth leaders.
I finally went to one two or three years ago, and decided we need to do it more often.
Always forget though….
I’ve been to two in my life and hosted two. I’m planning on hosting another in a couple of years. I’d like to have a much larger presentation with the whole church some time though.
We had one tonight for Maundy Thursday. It was my second one, and I thoroughly enjoyed it even more this time because I Saw a Jews for Jesus presentation 2 weeks ago which explained everything and how it fits with Jesus.
I’m glad you’ve been able to be involved with one and had some instruction on how it all ties in. It is down right mind blowing to know what all is happening there.