If you are a geek you are likely to get the title, if not let me say that among many things, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity predicts a shift in perceived time in relativistic environments. That probably didn’t help you but I’m not really here to teach you science.
Saturday morning we had out Angel Food distribution. We had double the orders as compared to last month and we were busy. I didn’t get much time to pay attention to anything that was going on. I ran all over the whole morning fixing one thing or another. We didn’t really have a huge number of problems, but trying to keep everything running smooth was more than a little hectic. At the end of the distribution hour it felt like a total of 10 minutes had passed (this is the relativity reference if you are keeping track). Everything went great and I’m really looking forward to next month, even if we double again.
Saturday night was great as well. I got the opportunity to talk about God for a bit with one of the girls. She doesn’t believe and had a lot of good questions. I was glad to be able to answer the questions and hope I have that opportunity again soon.
I have some other really cool news but I’m gonna save it for tomorrow. Any guesses?
Guesses? Is it a pony?
Yes. Yes, it is a pony. Actually a young unicorn but I’m not sure what the proper term is so I’ll go with pony.
I am really enjoying Angel Food, once I get there. Our church does a morning distribution… so the prospect of BEING THERE at 6am is never sounding like a good thing.
Our distribution is in the AM too, but not quite that early. I have to show up for the pickup in another city at 7:30 but it’s only like half an hour away. I have a half dozen or so showing up then the rest show up at the church about 9 and get setup. We pull in between 9:15 and 9:30 start distribution at 10 and finish at 11. Clean up and reset takes half an hour and we are out of there before noon. It is surprising how quick it all goes.
That’s good that you were able to talk with the girl who had questions. It’s important to really give people the time to ask and learn and understand who God is. We may not answer everything in one sitting but it does help.
My post http://nicodemusatnite.blogspot.com/2010/01/2010-update.html talks a little about this.
Yeah I’m really glad I was able to talk with her. I’m hoping that I get another opportunity soon. I have about a dozen or so that I’m having little conversations here and there that I am very happy about.