My mother's birthday is today and this morning her mom passed away. I am sure you can imagine the kind of double pain this will cause her so please pray for her. … [Read more...]

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
My mother's birthday is today and this morning her mom passed away. I am sure you can imagine the kind of double pain this will cause her so please pray for her. … [Read more...]
So tonight we got through a big chunk of the book of Revelation. I have been covering the End Times for 3 months in my Young Adults class and we are almost done. We started with a time line (actually multiple time lines) showing how various parts of the entire Bible need to be understood for any study on the End Times including the major books like Daniel and also all manner of other passages from Genesis to Exodus. Someday I might post the file with some notes explaining it. It is huge, printed on tabloid paper so it takes a bit of explaining.Anyways, we then went in depth into Daniel and … [Read more...]
I am told that it is important to know how to lose with dignity. This is called sportsmanship. I understand the concept, but the problem is that I really hate losing. I can put on a good face but in reality I despise every part of it.I hate losing when I'm playing a game. I hate when the team I"m rooting for loses.If you have been following along you know I'm a big OU fan. You should also know that they went to the NCAA National Championship game again this year. Actually it is impressive the number of times they have been to the big game since Stoops took over. A total of 5 trips in 10 … [Read more...]
Actually I don't but this is Sunday morning and generally the best time for pastors to quit. Since I didn't do a big event this weekend I will survive but I can understand the sentiment. You work hard, you preach your heart out, you try to model the life and get next to nothing.Sure Jesus Christ, you know God's own son, did all that and ended up deserted on a cross, so I guess a bit of frustration isn't really all that bad, but it is frustrating none the less. Still I think it is important to keep to what God has said and to keep spirits high I thought I would try to come up with the top ten … [Read more...]
I learned something new. I am sure most people know this but you can use the blogger post editor to schedule your posts. This means I can write something the night before and have it post the morning of. This is pretty cool since I tend to write my posts in the evening. Now I can make sure all my posts are published at the same time everyday. This is something I would have never discovered if my computer didn't die and I didn't lose access to the program I normally edit and publish my posts from. Now I need to figure out if I can make my regular program do the same thing. … [Read more...]
So my laptop is down and that means recreating some of the posts that I had written until I can finish sorting through all of my documents, renaming them, and sorting them back into their folders after having to recover my corrupted backup. This will be the first post I’m actually trying to retype and so I need to put my mind in a time machine while I try to remember all the funny things I had said. Unfortunately I don’t have access to a Tardis so I will not be traveling by much larger on the inside blue phone booth. Instead I’ll have to try and get my brain up to 88 mph while I imagine a y … [Read more...]
So I had a very nice post written just for today to welcome everyone that visited because I was a guest writer for Jon over at Stuff Christians Like, but alas technology has conspired against me and my laptop is all alone in some service center waiting to be poked and prodded by cold unfeeling technicians. OK, admittedly the cold unfeeling part might be nice for a laptop. I tend to get angry and heated. Still, my laptop has the file I want sitting there in a little directory carefully named so that I can find it easily. Being a good geek I took the time to backup all of my files.Sure I … [Read more...]
Well, I don't know for sure that it is dead. It will take 3 weeks for service to make that call. Personally I think they should have just junked it and given me a new one. For the cost of the parts I know it needs I could buy a computer and I wouldn't have to wait 3 weeks plus make an extra trip to Best Buy.Normally I wouldn't mind making the extra trip to Best Buy. I am a geek and they have named their service support Geek Squad. They even had this card there at the Geek Squad desk that said something about having the support of 11,000 geeks. It seemed funny until I found out I had to wait 3 … [Read more...]
I'm likely to give away my secret identity if I keep going, but I started a new blog until I can get the church website squared away to feature some of our sermons. The two sermons posted are a series that was done by a guest speaker and are about death, grief, and comforting the grieving. Check it out … [Read more...]
So I was browsing for some old HS friend a bit ago and it occurred to me that I am very much a product of my environment. Specifically I love Oklahoma football. I can't help it I just do and it is nice that they have been doing so awesome since Stoops took over. What does that have to do with environment and my High School you ask? Well as I was browsing I noticed that the pictures of everyone seemed to include some kind of OU something or other. I am become one of the horde. I don't know if I'm totally comfortable with that, but the other option is to reject OU just because other people … [Read more...]