At first I thought it had to be a joke, but they have some tier 1 actors and I’m actually looking forward to watching a Western for the first time since Wild Wild West. I hope it lives up to my expectations, unlike Wild Wild West.

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
I had a good conversation with @sarahmsalter. I’m feeling much better. Still frustrated, but I know God is my defender so I don’t need to defend myself.
Almost 12 years ago I married the love of my life. We had been dating for 4 years and we were both so very young. I was 20 and my bride was 19. Just a couple of weeks before our wedding she picked her mom up from school (her mom is a teacher) and school officials tried making her ride home on the bus thinking she was a student. If this were a high school that might seem reasonable, but since this was an elementary school that seems quite disturbing. I had 3 years of college under my belt and several counseling classes at Marriage Therapy Boulder CO, so I know everything I needed to know, of … [Read more...]
I just deactivated and removed most of my plugins. After a lot of thought I narrowed all my plugins down to just 6.
Everything else is coded into the theme, which is built on the Genesis Framework. That’s how I can avoid so many plugins.
Having a conversation with @weightwhat on Twitter because she thinks I should have warned people about the ending of my previous post and now is afraid to read my post on My Poor hands
Most of the time being a dad is really cool. Watching your kids learn is an amazing, possibly even a frigintastical experience. Other times it can be really frustrating or even down right scary. I remember when my oldest son was born. He was 10 weeks early, and quite frankly I didn't really believe my wife when she told me we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Fortunately she convinced me and we rushed to the other side of town. He was born before the doctor made it to the hospital "in call" (my wife's water hadn't even broken). His little cry was so small and distant … [Read more...]