I had some free time today so I decided to finally get to that project where I convert my personal blog over to the same theme I’m using on my Designs By site. When Tapestry came out (the theme y blog was built around) I thought it was amazing, and Streamline 2.0 is the first theme to come along that looks better as far as I’m concerned.
From a visual perspective I changed very little, but I did import all of those new post format features I had setup last fall. So this has all teh amazing looks of Streamline 2.0 with the Tumblog functionality I want. I’ll probably have some more work to do, but till then, what do you think?
Hi Nick. Yeah, the Strameline theme is great. I use a customized version at wilwebs.com.
Did your merely add post formats to Streamline? BTW, I have added post formats to the Backcountry theme for my hikeblog.nl. Too bad, that theme is not responsive yet.
Do you have plans building a new theme from scratch?
All the best, Wil.
Alas, it wasn’t as simple as just activating post formats. I had already added a bunch of custom code to the previous theme, extending the post formats with some custom meta boxes to make custom content easier to add in (like the URL for my mp3 files on audio posts or video clips for audio posts). There are several fields, at least one for each of the extra post formats except galleries.
There are also several extras in the output. Had to really change things up from the basic effects used in the other Genesis themes with post formats. More of a true tumblog style output.
I also had to add in a big chunk of CSS and the post format images (I jacked the images used in the new Mindstream theme).
I’ve got a couple themes out there that are my own. Fluid, which is free for now, and Production, but I am planning on a child theme that makes use of the custom functionality I’ve built into my theme.