Angel Food Ministries really needs a new name. I’m certainly behind the ministry and the name sounds great in theory but every single time I say it I think about cake. Nice light cake covered in fresh strawberries and a light syrup from the strawberries topped with real whipped cream.
Admit it, you want that cake now. That’s what I’m talking about.
Anyways, this weekend I was able to take a small group from our church to the church we are going to be partnering with for the next month or two. We did the pickup and distribution with the church and I learned a lot from what they did. I am excited to be starting our own distribution for next month and the people that went are very excited too.
One of my favorite things is that we are planning on getting the entire church involved and working together. Obviously we need people to pickup and setup, but we also need people to check in, hand out, and check out. We also need people to help carry boxes out and greet as people come in. I’ve got a good idea on how each part of the church can help including some stuff that we want to do beyond the normal. My wife use to pickup Angel Food when we were in Missouri. They were very busy and people lined up and hour or so before and were more or less processed like cattle. I’m not a huge fan of that and at this location they weren’t that busy so it wasn’t so bad, but I thought about my wife’s experience and decided it would be nice if we would have coffee and warm snacks like fresh biscuits or cookies during the winter and something like that in the summer too.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be greeted with a cup of coffee and a cookie, or maybe hot apple cider, when you go to pickup your food? Yeah I think that is way better than being processed like cattle.
I think that's an awesome idea. Food and drink brings folks together. That's really cool, Nick. Good for you.
Our church does Angel Food. I agree with your sentiments, but I also know that most of the people that come to pick up are there to get their food and get out. Some of them want to chat and everything, and we're more than willing to do that with them, but a good portion of the people that show up want to get in and out. But, not everyone's the same, so… yeah.
I think it is a great idea. Even if they can't stay, I think the added effort would touch their hearts.
I've never heard of Angel Food either, but what a SWEET idea!
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Thanks for the visit and the comment. Have a great Christmas.