Yeah, so twitter updates in general are kinda lazy at face value but you really have to do a lot to find all the tweets for the week. You either have to be dedicated to keep a running file of the tweets you intend to use or browse through hundreds of tweets. If you want to be nice and provide the tweets you are replying to then you have to search the comments others have made and it just gets really confusing and hard.
I have no intention of doing this so instead I am posting my lazy twitter update and will give a bit of information about the details of the two major threads included on this night. First @katdish commented that she was writing a blog post for tom. Of course this means tomorrow but I felt like having fun and started harassing @katdish. In the end I got a few others to join in on the fun so I consider it quite successful. The second is when @CandySteele said something about beating a dead horse, but forgot the “s.” Once again I could have let it slide but it would go against my nature and now we have my responses to these two threads via tweet.
alright night twitter. No beating dead whores while I’m gone. and find out from @katdish who Tom is.
@weightwhat @CandySteele just gave u 2 blames to me 1. See, 2-1
@Helenatrandom just give @katdish a hard time about not telling us who Tom is and ignoring me when I asked
RT @katdish: I am writing a post for tom. that combines Stephen King, scrapbooking, and ADD. Yes, I know – riveting.
@CandySteele their website. Study and learn
@CandySteele u’ve never seen Mythbusters???? What is wrong with you?
@CandySteele we r about 3 hours from the beach but I’m not sure how available they r there.
@weightwhat see you were worse, @Helenatrandom agrees with me.
@CandySteele I want to work for Mythbusters
@CandySteele I was just telling my wife they look really good.
@weightwhat It does seem like @katdish is making quite the Riddle of Tom
@katdish Is Tom he who must not be named?
@katdish while AB is on a commercial break do you wanna say anything about this Tom Fella? Does he have a brook?
They are going to scallops in the OKRA … tee hee
@CandySteele I guess we r watching the same show. No dead hores
Alton Brown is doing a Jaws scene with scallops. Very funny.
@weightwhat nope every time I’m done you jump back in with a scathing remark and get this going again. Like beating a dead hore
@CandySteele but @weightwhat is being much meaner.
@CandySteele we aren’t interested in beating you up, just a few dead hores. Y should we miss out on the fun?
@weightwhat yeah we should give @CandySteele a break .. it was just her b-day and she is getting cantankerous in her …
@weightwhat high 5, ur on fire 2night
@CandySteele also way to try and change the subject.
@CandySteele Well I call my Magellan Maggie so I thought @katdish might call her Tom Tom Tom … what?
@katdish is Tom a GPS? I call mine Maggie. Why does urs have a blog?
@katdish what does Tom think of all of this hore business?
@CandySteele Wow they are right when they say these kind of things escalate, a little hospital exhibitionism and now a mess of dead hores.
@CandySteele so it was 4 dead hores? Is that what the DM meant?
@weightwhat OMGoogle that was the funniest thing. @CandySteele I think you are making everyone twitter update again
@CandySteele oh I thought the w wasn’t working
@CandySteele how dead does the whore have to be b4 she stops moaning and how do you know this?
@katdish should your hubby be worried about Tom? Is that why you won’t say?
@katdish do you have to write for Tom because he can’t remember more than 10 seconds. Is that why it’s about ADD and scrapbooking?
@CandySteele but if you hit a dead horse right it probably still moans
@weightwhat yes and you should help us get @katdish to dish
@CandySteele eh, better than moaning.
@katdish I hope it isn’t Tom Cruise
@katdish is Tom known for his foolery?
@katdish does Tom have a cabin and a niece or nephew?
@CandySteele maybe ignoring me is about annoying me, but who is Tom?
@CandySteele @katdish won’t say who Tom is and s now ignoring me
@katdish does Tom have a twitter account and should we follow him?
@katdish is Tom big into scrapbooking?
@katdish does Tom have ADD?
@katdish I still want to know who Tom is? Why ru writing a blog post for him? Is he a big Stephen King fan?
@redclaydiaries let’s and don’t for get blogs and DMs
@redclaydiaries I think it would be the only correct path.
@redclaydiaries I asked @katdish but she won’t tell me. Says I’m annoying or something.
@redclaydiaries @katdish< /a> is ignoring me
@redclaydiaries *insert weird platypus sound here*
my daughter has been spinning in circles for like 5 minutes now. Maybe that is her mutant power, anti dizziness
@katdish the fastest way to get 1000 followers is to personally annoy them all, or at least one special follower
@katdish I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you. Also, who is Tom?
@katdish now that’s not very nice, and I still don’t know who Tom is?
@katdish u said u were writing a post for Tom
@katdish but who is Tom?
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