OK so I’ve been wanting to do a giveaway for a while, but I can’t really think of anything. I put it out on twitter last night and got a couple of good suggestions, but I’m interested in more ideas so here’s the deal, I have 20 invites for Google Wave. I am happy to give those away to people who comment about what I should give away.
This giveaway is open until 20 people have won or December 20th (this Sunday) which ever comes second. If I have more than 20 people entered by Sunday then I will randomly select 20 winners after the contest ends on Sunday. If not then I will send out invites to everyone that entered and keep sending them until I have distributed all 20.
To recap, if you want a Google Wave invite please comment with a suggestion on what else I should give away.
Give away puppies! Everybody likes puppies!
hmmm, I wonder what USPS regulations are on shipping puppies?
Give away the Star Trek DVD (then rig it so that I win). Thanks…
That might make a good giveaway, I bought my copy for $10, I wonder if I can still get them for that price?
Books. Give away books you haven't read in a while, but that everyone should read at least once. Youth min books, theology books, that one book on how the Smurfs bring the Gospel alive… Books. I vote books!
hmmm, so you like books? I do to. I had someone suggest I give away books but I'm such a book miser. I never sold my books back because I love them. Still I can think of a few I might be able to give away that are really good, so good I ended up with more than one copy because I couldn't find my copy and then found it again.
How 'bout some amazing guest posts?
-Marshall Jones Jr.
P. S. I'm not entering for the Wave invite. I'm already on. Thank you though.
My recent post Others-oriented fruit of the Spirit
Anyone is welcome to write an amazing guest post for me if that is what you are hinting at. If you mean I'll write an amazing guest post, well I can't guarantee amazing. I'll certainly be happy to write a guest post and use the word sex and frigintastic as much as possible. It's my secret to having a wildly mediocre blog.
A shirt that says "l'm A Geek"
I like that idea, I might even try to make a custom geek shirt, that would be fun.
You would have to give some sort of geek periphe… parifa… some geek stuff.
I can't really help you with specifics, 'cause I'm a dork, not a geek.