Warning, this might make you a bit queasy … or worse. Youth last night went well enough. We had 50 students but only 43 signed in. I’m redoing the sign in sheet now that we are doing small group break outs. I am asking my small group leaders to get anyone who hasn’t signed in to sign in.
The students seem to enjoy the small groups, but they have been wound up pretty bad. I don’t know why it happens but after Christmas break and summer break.
Anyways, I took a couple students home and when I dropped the last one off I started feeling ill. By the time I got home it was getting pretty bad. The vomiting started a little before midnight and I was in the bathroom every hour all night long. Around 4 am I gave up and slept on the floor till the 5 am puke and then again till the 6 am. At that point I don’t think there was anything left inside so I was able to sleep till almost 9.
From this experience I learned some important things. I now know that blue Powerade combined with stomach acid and bile turns a very bright lime green. I’d write more but … yeah still recovering.
At least you learned something, I guess. I’ll be taking your word for this one.
yeah, I hope you never have to find out on your own.
Sounds like a marketing opportunity
I know right? It could be liek those Gatorade commercials where people are sweating Gatorade but it’s Powerade and not sweat … and a different color. Yeah I can see the sales now. “Ewww mommy I’m gonna puke … quick get me some Powerade!”
I’m telling you something, the stomach acid and different foods can create the color of the rainbow. I feel for you man. I was up last Monday doing the same thing. I couldn’t keep anything down…or up, if you know what I mean.
I remember on Christmas Eve one night we had Papa John’s. Woke up on Christmas day, felt like crap and barfed out green bile.
Anyways, I hope you feel better Nick.
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. As in the Powerade turned green when it wouldn’t stay up.