I just got a new laptop. Been looking for a while. Mostly I needed something I could take into town to get work down while visible on Main St or so. The one I got has up to 7 hour battery, which is perfect.
A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
Today is May 4th, hence "May the fourth be with you" aka "Star Wars Day." Now I wouldn't be a geek without bringing some attention to this, but I want to draw a clear distinction here. I have watched all the Star Wars movies, I enjoyed them, even the ones with Jar Jar Binks. I have memorized many lines, but I'm not super sold that it is the all to end all of SciFi. I have read a few dozen of the books, I'm an avid reader so I was bound to read several. Most are short enough I can knock out a couple a day even on my current schedule. Some of the books are great, some are terrible. I've also … [Read more...]
A few weeks ago I started having problems with my keyboard. It was intermittent, and not really a big deal. Mostly the right arrow key would randomly not work. Then it started getting less intermittent and more mittent? We'll go with permanent since spell check seems to think mittent isn't a word. I can live without the right arrow key, but then the letter "m" started acting up. Since my spelling is problematic I didn't notice for a while, but it got pretty bad so that I had to really mash the "m" key. I tried taking the keyboard apart and cleaning the key and that helped for a bit, but … [Read more...]
Just looking at how Matt Mullenweg handles Galleries according to this article on Post Types, Taxonomies, and Formats by Otto. I think I’m going to rewrite the Gallery format for my version of Tapestry to emulate that.
It will be much more functional if the gallery ever has more than a few images.
A few days ago I posted about the plugins I’m using on the blog. Many blogs I’ve worked on have 20, 30, 40, or more plugins. This can cause big time slow downs and potential conflicts. A lot of simple things can be done with a few lines of code in the theme. I wrote about how I added my tweet button and made it add hashtags automatically on my Design Blog. Click through to check it out.