Yesterday we had our Easter Egg hunt. Before we actually start looking for the eggs I like to have a very short, like 5 minute, talk with the kids. I started it off by having them all come up for Easter Eggs. I was throwing them out at the parents and older siblings too. I let them yell and scream and even eat the candy in the egg they got. With kids it is important to make sure they can be as loud as possible, that's the only way to know they are having a good time. Youth are good at this too, and sometimes when I preach in "big" church I think about trying to get the adults to yell in … [Read more...]
When Good Kids Get Better
It is so easy to focus on the students that let you down, that you pour time and energy into and who leave to do their own thing. A while back I saw one of the girls that I had an opportunity to reach out to for a few months, but who never really responded to the sermons, everything was just about hanging out with friends. We had to go way out of our way to pick her up and drop her off while shew as coming. When I saw her she had a baby of her own. I felt that I had some how failed and wondered if there was anything I could have done differently. I get hung up on things like that. I … [Read more...]
Cultivating Culturally Challenging Children
Man look at the alliteration in the title. I think I used the word alliteration correctly, and I'm not really feeling like going through all the effort of typing it into Google. Yep that's just how lazy I have become. Back in the day I would have had to get up, walk over to my book shelf and thumb through real pages to find the word. That was a lot of work but I did it and learned a ton. Now, meh not worth opening a new window and getting the answer in 0.51 seconds. Anyways, this post isn't about alliteration or my laziness, it is about my kids. Well not just mine, I'm also including … [Read more...]
Read Your Bible and Win: a Wednesday Night Follow-up
I was really blessed a while back to work with a pretty cool guy on a few projects. First, his name is "Bob," and if you know me then you know I love that name. I don't know why, I just think it is frigintastic. I tried to name all of your kids that. I think I understand my wife vetoing the girls names, but still ... we have two boys, so you would think I could have picked at least one of those names. I also tried naming the dog Bob. Apparently that isn't a good name for a dog. Anyways, Bob is also a Sooner's fan and a Christian. I'm pretty certain I would force him to be my best … [Read more...]
One might think that knowing someone only through the internet would lessen the pain of their passing. Having just learned one of my virtual friends is no longer present in this life I can now say that I feel the pain of that loss. She has been a great encourager to me and I can’t begin to express my grief. Still I know that soon I will meet her for the first time in person, and we will rejoice with the King.
@Pagan43, I miss you and look to see you then.
I owe you an Apology: Creation is a Fact
I tend to read in cycles. No not while riding my bike. Ok actually when I'm on the stationary bike I do read, but that isn't the point. I also don't read in generally less or more so much as I read different genres and subsets of books in cycles. A while back I was reading a lot of SciFi, and then technical books and Pastoral, and then I went through a suspense/mystery binge. Right now I'm reading Apologetic books. Apologetics isn't about "saying sorry" it is about defending your beliefs. I think it is important for all Christians to be able to make a reasonable defense of their faith. … [Read more...]
Super Youth Pastor and the Pit of Despair
It seemed like decades, maybe even centuries has passed. He remembered watching The Princess Bride as a child. The pit, that life sucking machine, yes it seemed he had been sucked into that very pit with no one to hear him scream. Darkness surrounded him. Mind numbing darkness that seemed to rob him of the memory of light. That word seemed foreign to him now. He tried to focus, to remember ... what color was, even the faintest glimmer, a spark, a part of the shadow that wasn't as dark. The effort drained him and his body collapsed. He thought back to when the darkness first pulled him … [Read more...]
Music: The Gateway to the Mind
I think most of the Western world, if not the entire world, is aware of the saying, "the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." If I'm being to Americentric in my assumptions then let me briefly explain. Men like good food and will happily fall in love with a good cook. This might be over simplifying things, but that is the essence of most cliches. It doesn't refute the truths behind the concept though. It is an essential truth that good food can be a comforting thing and make decisions of the heart more pliable. This is, I believe, the reality that leads to this saying. If … [Read more...]
I do, I did, I should: Weddings, Marriage, and Counseling
Almost 12 years ago I married the love of my life. We had been dating for 4 years and we were both so very young. I was 20 and my bride was 19. Just a couple of weeks before our wedding she picked her mom up from school (her mom is a teacher) and school officials tried making her ride home on the bus thinking she was a student. If this were a high school that might seem reasonable, but since this was an elementary school that seems quite disturbing. I had 3 years of college under my belt and several counseling classes at Marriage Therapy Boulder CO, so I know everything I needed to know, of … [Read more...]
Sometimes you have to learn the hard way
Most of the time being a dad is really cool. Watching your kids learn is an amazing, possibly even a frigintastical experience. Other times it can be really frustrating or even down right scary. I remember when my oldest son was born. He was 10 weeks early, and quite frankly I didn't really believe my wife when she told me we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Fortunately she convinced me and we rushed to the other side of town. He was born before the doctor made it to the hospital "in call" (my wife's water hadn't even broken). His little cry was so small and distant … [Read more...]
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