There is an old saying, “Be careful what you wish for you just might get it.” I don’t know a better way to say this that that is the most freakin’ true thing ever. I have been working on getting the Youth to grow and it has been very slowly building. I was just starting to think that I needed to get a couple of people in training to help with the Youth because we would need it soon at the rate the group has been growing. Basically I figured I had 2-3 months before it became an issue. Tonight proved me wrong. I have been saying that f most of the semi-regulars ever showed up the Youth would be back to what it was when I first took over before some of the fallout from a few events mostly out of my control. That almost happened tonight, but there was also a convergence of visitors resulting in more Youth than we have had since I’ve been coming. At the same time a couple of my workers weren’t there and multiple dramas were unfolding resulting in me having to run around like mad putting out fires everywhere.
In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined packing the building out like that so quickly. I was almost totally overwhelmed and of course it was on a night that I was talking about sex. I think I could outgrow our building in a couple of months if I plan on talking sex every week. I’ve only talked sex twice but each time we have multiple visitors.
I need to get some helpers and get them now. I don’t know how I’m gonna get the people I need and get them trained by next week. In all likely hood the group won’t be quite so large next week. This was a confluence of events leading to doubling the size of the group in one week, but I need the people in place for the next time something like this happens.
How do you get people involved with service? How do you wish leadership would go about getting you involved with service?
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