Hey folks, I don’t think I’ve come out and said where I’m youth pastor at before. It is First Assembly of God in Front Royal, VA. This is in Warren County right beside the Warren Memorial hospital. I’ve been working hard on the church Web site the past year or so and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Give it a peek.
Archives for 2013
Thoughts on a New Pope
A new Pope is a somewhat rare event. It has been 8 years since the last election. By comparison I blog very regularly. Today a new Pope was elected and interestingly I saw some rather painful posts on Facebook. Yes, there are many making fun for various reason but those are not the ones that were painful to me. It is the "Evangelical Christians" I see making comments about how Catholics are idolators and deify the Pope and just how sad all of that is. I'd like to take a moment to thank my RCC friends for taking time to remedy my own ignorance on these issues. See, there was a time that I … [Read more...]
The kids built a blanket fort in the closet then asked to have a sleep over. The boys are sharing the big bed and the girls get to camp out in the closet in their blanket fort. I have to admit they … View Gallery
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Video Trivia Dodge Ball
If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball and if you can count to 10 you can try to count how many times two dogs jumped in a video clip. The Dodge Ball version was much funnier after editing but the video trivia challenge would have added a whole new element to the movie. I have been wanting a projector for the youth building for years. About 5 years to be exact. That is how long I have been in this ministry position. I was approved to purchase one but it isn't like I had the money in the budget. At the end of 2012 the Youth helped with our Royal Rangers tree sales and I got a … [Read more...]