I make a cameo with part of my youth around the 45 second mark.

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
I recently purchased Now, the newest CD from Fireflight. I first started listening to Fireflight about 4 years ago when I got the "Unbreakable" single in a demo CD before the Unbreakable album came out. If you haven't heard of them, Fireflight is a Christian Rock band with a female lead vocalist. They have a pretty unique sound. Dawn Michele, the lead singer, has a high, but very clear voice. The music has a metal edge with plenty of powerful guitar chords. The previous album, Healing of Harms, was full of haunting melodies, quite different from previous work. I truly enjoyed the … [Read more...]
In youth I'm wrapping up a series called "Mothers" which is about 4 unlikely mothers in the line of Christ. I opened with Tamar, who wasn't a Jew, who lost 2 husbands and lost hope in the promised marriage. She took matters into her own hands and posed as a prostitute to get what was owed to her. We learned that sometimes people in teh church will give us lip service, claiming that we belong, but treating us like we don't. We also learned that God never gives us lip service, and will bring us honor even if everyone else puts us into a place of dishonor. The following week we learned … [Read more...]
I had some free time today so I decided to finally get to that project where I convert my personal blog over to the same theme I’m using on my Designs By site. When Tapestry came out (the theme y blog was built around) I thought it was amazing, and Streamline 2.0 is the first theme to come along that looks better as far as I’m concerned.
From a visual perspective I changed very little, but I did import all of those new post format features I had setup last fall. So this has all teh amazing looks of Streamline 2.0 with the Tumblog functionality I want. I’ll probably have some more work to do, but till then, what do you think?