I am participating in a new series, God Says …, over at Make a Difference to One. In my first post I address the lie that I am unloved and show that God says I am loved. Click through for the article.

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
I am participating in a new series, God Says …, over at Make a Difference to One. In my first post I address the lie that I am unloved and show that God says I am loved. Click through for the article.
Youth camp has to be more than just fun, games, and pranks. We do 3 sessions each day to devote time to God. Quite Time and Small Group The first session is just after breakfast. We have our students broken up into small groups and have them get into their groups and have personal quite time and group devotions. Each day the leader speaking in the evening service put together this session for the students. For example, during my session I had them read Acts 6 and 7 during their personal quite time and go through these questions Read: Acts 6 & 7 (You can take some notes here) In … [Read more...]
I’m trying to get a new Middle School group started on Thursday nights. I’ve got one family on board with 4 kids and their friends, but when they can’t make it, like tonight, then no one shows up. I was pretty disappointed when I heard they weren’t coming, but I showed up anyways. Sure enough, no one. Then 3 neighborhood kids, right in the age group I’m reaching out to, walked up to start playing basketball on our outdoor court. My wife was leaving with the kids, but I had driven separately, so I went to hand out and play a little ball with them. I know, not like ti was this huge group, but I gotta say, I’m very happy I had to opportunity to meet them since they literally live a few houses down the road. God is good.
Camp would be camp without pranks. Most of the time they are stupid and juvenile. I can't complain too much I guess, the students are juveniles after all. This year we had plenty of dumb pranks, but a few were really good. Most of those were from the staff though. Lame Pranks As I said, there were many lame pranks. I had some left over bacon put in my bed, a stolen trophy (the golden plunger of power) places under my pillow, and the cabin was messed up with bedding pulled half way out or flipped up. One of the other leaders had his stuff moved into the bathroom, the stuff on his bed … [Read more...]
Last night we concluded the series “The Truth About Sex.” This was a video series from BlueFish.tv led by Doug Fields. I don’t use the leaders manual so much. Instead I used an illustration with glow sticks, asking the students to keep them un-broken. Most of the students didn’t make it through the video. Then I gave them brand new ones to illustrate God giving us new life instead of repairing our broken life. Cool part, a young woman was there that hasn’t been to church in a couple of years. She responded during my “altar call.” More later.
Well, it was this time of year again, when youth pastors eschew sleep in nice comfy beds, or sleep in general, in favor of taking a group of students to sticky, hot cabins. Actually I can't complain too much about the sleeping arrangements. While I got less sleep than any of the guys (I think some girls got less than me) I did get more sleep this year than any previous camp. The dorms had huge attic exhaust fans, which really helped with the heat. One night I even considered zipping my sleeping bag, but then just rolled over and went to sleep. I am usually the last to go to sleep and was … [Read more...]
Last week was camp; it was a lot of fun. I got very little sleep, and did lots of stuff. Yesterday was my daughter’s 8th b-day. We went to the amusement park. It was lots of fun. We played very hard on very little sleep. Ever notice how the more fun you have the more you want to stay in bed for a long time? Seems unfair if you think about it.