“If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace;
if you accept correction, you will be honored.”

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
Man look at the alliteration in the title. I think I used the word alliteration correctly, and I'm not really feeling like going through all the effort of typing it into Google. Yep that's just how lazy I have become. Back in the day I would have had to get up, walk over to my book shelf and thumb through real pages to find the word. That was a lot of work but I did it and learned a ton. Now, meh not worth opening a new window and getting the answer in 0.51 seconds. Anyways, this post isn't about alliteration or my laziness, it is about my kids. Well not just mine, I'm also including … [Read more...]
My biggest frustration when working with youth is investing tons of my life into them, trying to teach them, hoping I can keep them from messing up like I have and like my friends have; only to have them often ignore me so that I have to deal with the fall out. Then I take a step back and remember how much God invests in all of us, myself included, only to be rejected and have to deal with our fall out, but He loves me anyway.
I was really blessed a while back to work with a pretty cool guy on a few projects. First, his name is "Bob," and if you know me then you know I love that name. I don't know why, I just think it is frigintastic. I tried to name all of your kids that. I think I understand my wife vetoing the girls names, but still ... we have two boys, so you would think I could have picked at least one of those names. I also tried naming the dog Bob. Apparently that isn't a good name for a dog. Anyways, Bob is also a Sooner's fan and a Christian. I'm pretty certain I would force him to be my best … [Read more...]
One might think that knowing someone only through the internet would lessen the pain of their passing. Having just learned one of my virtual friends is no longer present in this life I can now say that I feel the pain of that loss. She has been a great encourager to me and I can’t begin to express my grief. Still I know that soon I will meet her for the first time in person, and we will rejoice with the King.
@Pagan43, I miss you and look to see you then.
A few days ago I posted about the plugins I’m using on the blog. Many blogs I’ve worked on have 20, 30, 40, or more plugins. This can cause big time slow downs and potential conflicts. A lot of simple things can be done with a few lines of code in the theme. I wrote about how I added my tweet button and made it add hashtags automatically on my Design Blog. Click through to check it out.
I tend to read in cycles. No not while riding my bike. Ok actually when I'm on the stationary bike I do read, but that isn't the point. I also don't read in generally less or more so much as I read different genres and subsets of books in cycles. A while back I was reading a lot of SciFi, and then technical books and Pastoral, and then I went through a suspense/mystery binge. Right now I'm reading Apologetic books. Apologetics isn't about "saying sorry" it is about defending your beliefs. I think it is important for all Christians to be able to make a reasonable defense of their faith. … [Read more...]
It seemed like decades, maybe even centuries has passed. He remembered watching The Princess Bride as a child. The pit, that life sucking machine, yes it seemed he had been sucked into that very pit with no one to hear him scream. Darkness surrounded him. Mind numbing darkness that seemed to rob him of the memory of light. That word seemed foreign to him now. He tried to focus, to remember ... what color was, even the faintest glimmer, a spark, a part of the shadow that wasn't as dark. The effort drained him and his body collapsed. He thought back to when the darkness first pulled him … [Read more...]