“Just as damaging
as a madman shooting a deadly weapon
is someone who lies to a friend
and then says, “I was only joking.””

A Husband, Father, Youth Pastor, Geek, and Jesus Freak
“Just as damaging
as a madman shooting a deadly weapon
is someone who lies to a friend
and then says, “I was only joking.””
I had a pretty active weekend, in addition to the Easter plans and Angel Food distribution, I also helped prep my parents kitchen for new counter tops. They ordered the counter tops a couple of weeks ago, and later that same week someone came out to take the final measurements and make a template. They scheduled for the new counter to be installed today, so we had to work hard all weekend to get things ready. Monday we pulled the old counter and sink, expecting a new one to be in place by dinner Monday. The installers didn't come at the earliest part of their time span, which is fine … [Read more...]
Today is my third post in the “Who is God” series on Make a Difference to One. I’m explaining “Spirit” and how we can use simple analogies that are fun for kids to explain a very complex concept. Click through for the full article.
Yesterday we had our Easter Egg hunt. Before we actually start looking for the eggs I like to have a very short, like 5 minute, talk with the kids. I started it off by having them all come up for Easter Eggs. I was throwing them out at the parents and older siblings too. I let them yell and scream and even eat the candy in the egg they got. With kids it is important to make sure they can be as loud as possible, that's the only way to know they are having a good time. Youth are good at this too, and sometimes when I preach in "big" church I think about trying to get the adults to yell in … [Read more...]
It is so easy to focus on the students that let you down, that you pour time and energy into and who leave to do their own thing. A while back I saw one of the girls that I had an opportunity to reach out to for a few months, but who never really responded to the sermons, everything was just about hanging out with friends. We had to go way out of our way to pick her up and drop her off while shew as coming. When I saw her she had a baby of her own. I felt that I had some how failed and wondered if there was anything I could have done differently. I get hung up on things like that. I … [Read more...]
Just looking at how Matt Mullenweg handles Galleries according to this article on Post Types, Taxonomies, and Formats by Otto. I think I’m going to rewrite the Gallery format for my version of Tapestry to emulate that.
It will be much more functional if the gallery ever has more than a few images.