Things had generally been quiet since that fateful night Super Youth Pastor first got his powers. It seemed as if that night had lasted weeks and yet the past months have flown by as if only a single week. SYP was always amazed at how time worked like that. The Recluse had been coming to Youth since that night and didn't seem that out of sorts, but SYP knew something big was coming so he busied himself learning how his new powers worked.He stayed up late every night honing his sarcasm, staring into the darkest corners, and listening to the whispers of the very shadows. SYP knew he had … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2009
Super Youth Pastor in Feb
This month begins a multi part story arc in which Super Youth Pastor and his polar compatriots combat lust crazed zombie teens at an all night youth party, AKA the Lock-in. What are you favorite lock-in events and games? What pranks have you done? Your help will shape exactly how SYP survives the horrors of LCZTs. … [Read more...]
This is me not flaming someone
I am trying to be a nice person. Over at SCL there is a nice fun blog post about the end of time. There have been some funny comments and some serious comments. I don't agree with 100% of the comments and I did respond to someone who posted something I didn't totally agree with, but I feel I was generally nice about my comment focusing on some places where I felt there was agreement and bringing out how there might be more to the story.OK, now someone has posted something that is just plain beyond hair brained. I want so bad to tear this insanity apart there in the blog but it is not my … [Read more...]
What would I do without Tech
I love technology. I've stated that many times. Today I want to explore what I would do without all my tech in honor of the people that are existing without power due to the ice storms.A couple of years ago there was a massive series of ice storms in Springfield, MO that left the town devastated. My house lost power the first night and was one of the last to get power back. We were in the city and so did get power back sooner than more rural areas often do but we were unprepared. In total we lost power for 9 days and we did not have any means of heating the house without power because our … [Read more...]
Lots of posts today
So I"m back at work today but can't seem to focus. Kinda sucks, but I've been able to get some of the things in my giant piletodo done so I don't feel too terrible. One of the things was to figure out what I wasn't able to load new sermons. Turns out I'm a little neeeerrrrr. Hope that didn't offend anyone but I"m tired so ...Anyways, I have a new sermon up over at Sermon Blast. Check it. … [Read more...]
New Me
I figure some people might want some idea what I look like. I'm trying to stay anonymous but I have made a few attempts at making a likeness of me that is highly stylized so it isn't perfectly clear who I am. The first attempt looked too much like me so I tried making a mask like the Phantom of the opera. It looked cool since I knew what it was suppose to be but I thought some people might not understand what I was trying to do and I didn't feel like explaining it all the time. The next attempt turned out rather nice and I played with it some more by adding in lips, a nose, and a more … [Read more...]
No church again
So the weather is still less than wondrous so we cancelled church tonight. This means no follow-up so I thought I would explore some of my plans that I discussed yesterday a bit further. I'm sure everyone is aware that the church isn't perfect. It has never been perfect mostly because it is populated by people who are imperfect. The church is in fact the sum of its parts. Funny how that works.I'm not interested in tearing the church apart. Plenty of people do that so I don't have to waste my time. I am interested in how we can make the church better. One of the biggest flaws that I see … [Read more...]
Snowed in
So I don't have any follow up to my YA class because we are snowed in. Well we aren't really snowed in. Once we get out of the neighborhood the roads are pretty good but it has been snowing all day and we have about 4 inches on the van and ice on the way. This frees me to brainstorm a bit about some places I'd like to go with my YA class. I have talked to my Pastor about changing our Sunday Evening service into something geared towards a younger group. Right now our church looks like a box of cotton. I am quite serious when I say that 70% of the people in church are over 50. This isn't … [Read more...]
Super Sunday
Well January is drawing to a close and so is my month of Football. I love the sport so I reserve the right to mention it in the future. Next month I will be talking about love, lust, and sex. This is pretty obvious but it must be discussed. I wrote a column for our local paper on the subject and that is kind of exciting. To finish out the subject of football, however, I must discuss the Super Bowl.I have watched every Super Bowl since I was about 12. I am not a huge fan of NFL football though so I rarely have a vested interest in the outcome of the game. Often I chose the team I'll be … [Read more...]
Two Thoughts
So I was out of town and had planned ahead to get my blogs posted but blanked on getting one up for Monday. The good news is it is still Monday so I should be able to keep my plans to post every day except Sunday. I was out of town for my grandma's funeral and had a couple of interesting thoughts. My family lives up on a mountain in northern Alabama/Georgia. The mountain more or less straddles the state line.Anyways, while visiting my family I came to a couple of conclusions. First, and most obviously, my family ain't right in the head. Sure every family has one but I think about 30 … [Read more...]
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