Actually it is a misnomer. Tomorrow isn't really Christmas Eve until sundown. It turns out that the day use to end at sunset and so the new day started in the evening. This is why we have so many holidays like Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, and even Halloween. Of course this means that tomorrow at sunset it is officially Christmas. For all those times that you were told that you had to wait until morning to open your presents because it wasn't Christmas yet was a lie, just like the cake.We buy a lot of lies about what we can't have yet. We can't have a life of victory because we aren't in … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2008
Plans for the New Year
I've decided to try and make my life more organized in many respects. I function best with order. Actually it is quite funny because I"m terribly OCD but I'm also ADD so it strikes a very nice balance. When I stat getting obsessive I see something shiny and get distracted so I'm almost functional.Anyways, my attempt to get organized with this site will result in daily categories and monthly topics.Mondays will be totally random poking fun at whatever topic comes to mind. Loony Lundi. (Lundi is French for Monday).Tuesday will be Topical Tuesday, which will deal with the monthly topic … [Read more...]
Chat Test
I'm testing a chat feature. If you ant to try out live chat please click on the button below. … [Read more...]
Youth Christmas party or I left too early
So we had our Christmas party and it was generally fun. I went with a pretty open ended agenda with lots of time for just hanging out. We did Dirty Santa, or whatever you call it. If you aren't familiar with the game you put all the gifts up and then use numbers to randomly pick the people to go get gifts. Then they have the choice of picking a gift or stealing one that has already been unwrapped. This leads to great fun as long as people are into stealing the gifts. We also played a fun game where you build a gingerbread house on someone's face and we had Rock Band 2 running, which is … [Read more...]
Bah Humbug
SO my kids were watching A Mickey Mouse Christmas Carol and it occurred to me that this holiday classic based on the literary classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens doesn't share the Christmas story. This prompted an internal dialogue, read argument, about the Christian value of this story and thereby the Christmas value. Sure we allow all kinds of other stories like The Night Before Christmas which have no value whatsoever, but they are much more obvious so it is easy to talk about how it doesn't really capture the spirit of Christmas. A Christmas Carol and all its versions, on the … [Read more...]
For those that don't know, TMI is "Too Much Information." I have found a major flaw in my desire to get closer to my Youth. As my relationships with them grow they open up to me. That is the point right. I want them to share with me their struggles and dreams. I want them to come to me when they are hurting or excited.I have forgotten that they struggle with the same things that my friends and I struggled with in school. This means that as they open up to me I am inundated with way too much information about all kinds of subjects that I really don't want to consider they know. I don't … [Read more...]
If we all work together …
Together, together; if we ll work together how happy we'll be.So for a while now I have been involved with a group of Youth ministers from other churches in our community. We have this crazy idea that if we work togetehr then we can accomplish more than if we try on our own. This is a new group in our area and I'm one of the founding members. Even befor eI came here I was feeling a push to work in unity with other churches. God has orchestrated this with like minded ministers. In fact, we also have with our group representatives from secular youth programs. I find it very exciting … [Read more...]
Can’t decide which is worse
So there are a broad spectrum of parents in the world, but on one end you will find parents that think their kids are perfect no matter what and on the other end you will find parents that don't care one way or the other. I have kids from both categories. Each come with their own kind of problems. There are a lot of different ways the kids can turn out too.For example, I have a kid that is practically perfect in every way as far as the family is considered. This results in the child generally expecting to get whatever the child wants. The child is generally good though and works very hard … [Read more...]
So if you are in a preaching ministry and haven't filed in your preaching calendar yet what are you waiting for? I know a lot of ministers like to wait till the night before to here from God, but I promise that god knows what is going on more than a year in advance. That is why it is actually possible to sit down with a calendar and pray about what you should speak on now so you can better organize your topics and plan series that will play well together. God is cool like that.Actually, one of my pet peeves is when a pastor claims that God changed the sermon just before they walked up and … [Read more...]
Working with kids
The fact is that Youth are not adults, they are kids. I'm not sure when the transition is, but it happens sometime after 21. Possibly after 30 because I"m not sure how much of an adult I am, but that might just be me because my wife seems to be pretty grown up, but taking care of 4 children can do that to a person. Not that I don't take care of my kids, but I tend to play more than anything, which might be why she seems so frustrated. If I were more grown up that might worry me ...Anyways, my point has something to do with working with the Youth and the joy and frustration that can come … [Read more...]